
In: Psychology

4. ________Jones believes that captive chimpanzees used in research should have the same protections as wild...

4. ________Jones believes that captive chimpanzees used in research should have the same protections as wild chimpanzees. He's a pretty terrible philosopher when it comes to ethics - just awful, and he is a mean person who insults guppies for sport - but we can be fair and examine the arguments. a) No fallacy b) Straw man c) Ad hominem d) Appeal to emotion 5. ___________ Over 40% of alcohol-related visits to U.S. Emergency Departments involve drinking too much cheap beer. Want to stay safe? Drink expensive beer! a. Appeal to popularity b. Post hoc c. Hasty generalization d. Shifting the burden of proof 6. ________The idea that depression has a biological basis has roots in ancient medicine. Galen said that a preponderance of black bile caused melancholy. Galen was wrong about nearly everything, so we should be prima facie skeptical of this idea. a) No fallacy b) Straw man c) Ad hominem d) Appeal to lack of proof 7. ________ Psychiatrists have not conclusively demonstrated that depression has a biological basis, so it must not have one. a) False dilemma b) Small sample c) Appeal to ignorance d) Begging the question 8. " If i do my homework, ill get good grades, if i get good grades youll send me to college, if i go to college ill graduate and get a job, if i get a job i might get fired, if i get fired i could go bankrupt and lose everything, thats why i didnt do my homework!" a) begging the question b) slippery slope c) hasty generalization d) no fallacy


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4. D. The argument indicates the fallacy of Ad Hominem as it is directed against a person( the researcher) rather than the position the researcher is maintaining.

5. C. The argument commits the fallacy of Hasty generalisation as it jumps to the conclusion that expensive beer is better based on evidence about poor health caused by cheap beer. However, in itself, expensive beer may or may not be good for health

6. b. Argument is based on straw man fallacy as it tries to shift the argument about the biology basis of depression or one about Galen’s medical hypotheses being untrue nearly always ( but it does not say that he was wrong always) . Thus, by using Galen as the scapegoat, it tries to convince the reader that even the hypotheses about depression is untrue.

7. C. It commits Appeal to ignorance fallacy as it makes the case that the lack of  evidence by psychiatrists for the existence of a biological basis of depression means that depression cannot be caused by biological reasons at all.

8. b. This argument commits the fallacy of slippery slope as the student asserts that a relatively small first step of completing homework leads to a chain of related events culminating in some significant negative effect which is completely unrelated to the primary event.

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