
In: Operations Management

The coronavirus is hitting businesses and their employees. Some businesses are still open and millions of...

The coronavirus is hitting businesses and their employees. Some businesses are still open and millions of employees are working to serve customers. Some of the employees work in their workplaces while some others work from home. Almost all employees worry whether they will lose their jobs or if they will have a pay cut. It is obvious that unemployment will rise because millions of employees will lose their jobs and the remaining employees may have a pay cut (10, 20, 30, 50%) depending on the position in his/her workplace.

Because of the coronavirus, the business environment has started to change. It is becoming a challenging fast-changing environment. Currently, many managers are faced with difficulties. In the near future and in the long run, they will need to deal with important issues.

Lastly, you have to remember that one can easily manage firms during prosperous times but effective managers flourish during difficult times.

Below is a sample list of terms that you can use when answering the questions.

Job security and protection; Employee morale; Employee stress; Anxiety; Employee wellness; Effective decision making; Work performance; Key competencies; Productive employees; Quality of work produced; Work-life balance; Mental health; Employees in a high-risk health category; Illness; Government sector; Health sector; Security forces.

What would be the possible changes and developments in the workforce and workplace diversity in the near future and in the long run? Discuss.


Expert Solution

Because of this Pandemic, The greatest issue organizations are confronting can't use its workforce totally. The explanation for is that individuals can not assembled or make working environment swarmed. In not so distant future, Workplace will turn out to be progressively present day and versatile so organizations can run business from office just as from home. There will be more need of assorted workforce with individuals from various foundation, culture, ability, experience and skill.Currently organizations are redistributing a large number of its business so they can give client assistance without being affected by this crown Pandemic.

Work environments will be loaded up with representatives having further developed aptitudes like scientific, basic reasoning, specialized and Management abilities in not so distant future so organizations can get the ideal individual for the correct activity. representative determination procedure will be progressively exacting and formal so Companies don't need to enlist over and over. Organizations will concentrate on skills, effectivenss,skills, information and experience. Representatives may need to work more than one assignment in thier work. They will be trainned and created by organizations to do numerous errands or occupations in the organization.

Over the long haul, Companies will concentrate on two kind of representatives first who are gifted and talented and second Machines implies mechanical autonomy since current pandemic made billions of dollars misfortune numerous organizations because of deficiency of workforce. Robots and machines are not human so they can not come down with any sickness or infection. The utilization of robots and machines in distribution center, creation and different business errand will expand efficiency and diminish business cost.There will be blend of human and robots in since a long time ago run.


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