
In: Computer Science

Programming Assignment 1: Representing, Managing and Manipulating Travel Options You may NOT do any of the...

Programming Assignment 1: Representing, Managing and Manipulating Travel Options

You may NOT do any of the following:

  • change any of the function names or signatures (parameter lists and types and return type)

  • introduce any global or static variables

  • use any arrays or vectors inside the TravelOptions class! Not for this assignment!! (You may use them as you see fit in any driver/tester programs you write)

You MAY do any of the following as you see fit:

  • Introduce helper functions. But you should make them private.

Some functions eliminate list entries (e.g., prune_sorted). Don't forget to deallocate the associated nodes (using the delete operator).

Please read the below code and complete the missing parts.

#ifndef _TRVL_OPTNS_H

#define _TRVL_OPTNS_H

#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

#include <utility>

// using namespace std;

class TravelOptions{


enum Relationship { better, worse, equal, incomparable};


struct Node {

double price;

double time;

Node *next;

Node(double _price=0, double _time=0, Node* _next=nullptr){

price = _price; time = _time; next = _next;



/* TravelOptions private data members */

Node *front; // pointer for first node in linked list (or null if list is empty)

int _size;


// constructors

TravelOptions() {

front = nullptr;



~TravelOptions( ) {




   * func: clear

   * desc: Deletes all Nodes currently in the list

   * status: DONE


void clear(){

Node *p, *pnxt;

   p = front;

   while(p != nullptr) {

   pnxt = p->next;

   delete p;

   p = pnxt;


   _size = 0;

   front = nullptr;



   * func: size

   * desc: returns the number of elements in the list

   * status: DONE


int size( ) const {

   return _size;



* func: compare

* desc: compares option A (priceA, timeA) with option B (priceB, timeA) and

* returns result (see enum Relationship above):


* There are four possible scenarios:

* - A and B are identical: option A and option B have identical price and time:

* ACTION: return equal

* - A is better than B: option A and B are NOT equal/identical AND

* option A is no more expensive than option B AND

* option A is no slower than option B

* ACTION: return better

* - A is worse than B: option A and B are NOT equal/identical AND

* option A is at least as expensive as option B AND

* option A is no faster than option B

* ACTION: return worse

* NOTE: this means B is better than A

* - A and B are incomparable: everything else: one option is cheaper and

* the other is faster.

* ACTION: return incomparable


* COMMENTS: since this is a static function, there is no calling object.

* To call it from a client program, you would do something like this:


   TravelOptions::Relationship r;

   double pa, ta, pb, tb;

// some code to set the four price/time variables

r = TravelOptions::compare(pa, ta, pb, tb);

if(r == TravelOptions::better)

std::cout << "looks like option b is useless!" << std::endl;

// etcetera


* status: TODO


static Relationship compare(double priceA, double timeA,

double priceB, double timeB) {

return incomparable; // placeholder



Expert Solution

#ifndef TRVL_OPTNS_H_

#define TRVL_OPTNS_H_

#include <iostream>

#include <vector>

#include <utility>

#include <math.h>

// using namespace std;

class TravelOptions{


enum Relationship { better, worse, equal, incomparable};


struct Node {

double price;

double time;

Node *next;

Node(double _price=0, double _time=0, Node* _next=nullptr){

price = _price; time = _time; next = _next;



/* TravelOptions private data members */

Node *front; // pointer for first node in linked list (or null if list is empty)

int _size;


// constructors

TravelOptions() {

front = nullptr;



~TravelOptions( ) {




* func: clear

* desc: Deletes all Nodes currently in the list

* status: DONE


void clear(){

Node *p, *pnxt;

p = front;

while(p != nullptr) {

pnxt = p->next;

delete p;

p = pnxt;


_size = 0;

front = nullptr;



* func: size

* desc: returns the number of elements in the list

* status: DONE


int size( ) const {

return _size;



* func: compare

* desc: compares option A (priceA, timeA) with option B (priceB, timeA) and

* returns result (see enum Relationship above):


* There are four possible scenarios:

* - A and B are identical: option A and option B have identical price and time:

* ACTION: return equal

* - A is better than B: option A and B are NOT equal/identical AND

* option A is no more expensive than option B AND

* option A is no slower than option B

* ACTION: return better

* - A is worse than B: option A and B are NOT equal/identical AND

* option A is at least as expensive as option B AND

* option A is no faster than option B

* ACTION: return worse

* NOTE: this means B is better than A

* - A and B are incomparable: everything else: one option is cheaper and

* the other is faster.

* ACTION: return incomparable


* COMMENTS: since this is a static function, there is no calling object.

* To call it from a client program, you would do something like this:


   TravelOptions::Relationship r;

   double pa, ta, pb, tb;

// some code to set the four price/time variables

r = TravelOptions::compare(pa, ta, pb, tb);

if(r == TravelOptions::better)

std::cout << "looks like option b is useless!" << std::endl;

// etcetera


* status: TODO


static Relationship compare(double priceA, double timeA,

double priceB, double timeB) {

               double priceDiff = priceA - priceB;

               double timeDiff = timeA - timeB ;

               if(priceDiff < 0) // priceA < priceB


                              if(fabs(timeDiff) <= 0.001) //timeA <= timeB

                                             return better;

                              else // timeA > timeB

                                             return incomparable;

               }else if(fabs(priceDiff) <= 0.001 ) //priceA = priceB


                              if(timeDiff < 0) // timeA < timeB

                                             return better;

                              else if(fabs(timeDiff) <= 0.001) // timeA = timeB

                                             return equal;

                              else //timeA > timeB

                                             return worse;

               }else // priceA > priceB


                              if(fabs(timeDiff) <= 0.001) // timeA < timeB

                                             return incomparable;


                                             return worse;




#endif /* TRVL_OPTNS_H_ */

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