
In: Computer Science

Programming. Write only code for the following. Do not write any comments. You can submit your...

Programming. Write only code for the following. Do not write any comments. You can submit your answer as .java file(s).

#1. Design a Java JProduct class for a product which implements both cloneable and comparable interfaces

The class should have the following private member variables:

  • m_id: an integer that holds the product ID
  • m_name: a string that holds the product name
  • m_wholesaleprice: a double that holds the wholesale price
  • m_retailers: a String array that holds all retailers who sell the product

and the class should have the following public member functions:

  • default constructor: initializes the product to some default one
  • constructor #2: accepts id, name, wholesaleprice and retailers as arguments.   The method should set these values to the appropriate instance variables
  • setPrice: accepts wholesaleprice as argument.   The method should set the argument to the appropriate instance variable
  • setRetailers: accepts all retailers from an array as argument. The method should copy the retailers to the respective instance variable.
  • Four respective get functions to retrieve the four instance variables' values.
  • Overrided compareTo()method: use wholesale price for comparison
  • Overrided clone() method which must conduct deep copy.

Please write your complete JProduct class and its testing class below

1a (35 pts) Write your complete Java code for the above Java JProduct class in file.

1b (35 pts) In a new file named, write your test Java class and its main method which will do the following:

  •   create two JProduct objects(productOne, productTwo), productOne with default constructor and productTwo with the explicit constructor;
  •   then compare the two products and output the cheaper one’s id, name, wholesale price (test of comparable interface) and all its retailers;
  •   next create a third JProduct object productThree which is a clone of the cheaper one between productOne and productTwo, and then reset its price to a new price and reset its retailers to a new set of retailers and output its ID, name wholesale price, and all of its retailers.


Expert Solution

//Create new project in Netbeans or in eclipse

//Create a new class with name

//Create Test class and run this class


* @author
public class JProduct implements Comparable<JProduct>, Cloneable {

private int m_id;//product ID
private String m_name;//product name
private double m_wholesaleprice;//wholesale price
private String[] m_retailers;//all retailers who sell the product

* Default constructor: initializes the product to some default one
public JProduct() {
this.m_id = 10;//initialize the product id
this.m_name = "Test 1";//product name
this.m_wholesaleprice = 10.5;//wholesale price
this.m_retailers = new String[]{"Retailer 1", "Retailer 2", "Retailer 3"};//retailer array

* constructor #2: accepts id, name, wholesaleprice and retailers as
* arguments. The method should set these values to the appropriate instance
* variables
* @param m_id
* @param m_name
* @param m_wholesaleprice
* @param m_retailers
public JProduct(int m_id, String m_name, double m_wholesaleprice, String[] m_retailers) {
this.m_id = m_id;
this.m_name = m_name;
this.m_wholesaleprice = m_wholesaleprice;
this.m_retailers = m_retailers;

* accepts wholesaleprice as argument.
* @param m_wholesaleprice
public void setPrice(double m_wholesaleprice) {
this.m_wholesaleprice = m_wholesaleprice;

* accepts all retailers from an array as argument.
* @param m_retailers
public void setRetailers(String[] m_retailers) {
this.m_retailers = m_retailers;

* Four respective get functions to retrieve the four instance variables
* values.
public int getM_id() {
return m_id;

public String getM_name() {
return m_name;

public double getM_wholesaleprice() {
return m_wholesaleprice;

public String[] getM_retailers() {
return m_retailers;

* @return @throws CloneNotSupportedException
protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
return super.clone(); //clone with shallow copy

public int compareTo(JProduct o) {
if (this.m_wholesaleprice > o.m_wholesaleprice) {
return 1;
} else {
return -1;



import java.util.Arrays;

public class testProduct {

public static void main(String[] args) throws
CloneNotSupportedException {
JProduct productOne = new JProduct();//productOne with default constructor
JProduct productTwo = new JProduct(11, "Test Product 2", 20.5, new String[]{"XYZ Retailer", "ABC Retailer", "efg Retailer"});//explicit constructor

JProduct productThree;//productThree which is a clone of the cheaper one
if (productOne.compareTo(productTwo) == 1) {
// System.out.println("productTwo is cheap");
productThree = (JProduct) productTwo.clone();
} else {
// System.out.println("productOne is cheap");
productThree = (JProduct) productOne.clone();
productThree.setPrice(30.25);//reset its price to a new price
productThree.setRetailers(new String[]{"Vihang Retailers","Divya Retailer","Geetha Retailers"});// reset its retailers to a new set of retailers
//here we used Arrays.toString to print the array without loop
System.out.println("Product ID: "+productThree.getM_id()+"\t Product Name: "+productThree.getM_name()+"\t Wholesale Price: "+productThree.getM_wholesaleprice()+"\t Retailers:"+Arrays.toString(productThree.getM_retailers()));

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