
In: Computer Science

Create a python program that will: prompt a user for a command Command get_data Level 1:...

Create a python program that will:

  • prompt a user for a command

  • Command

    • get_data

  • Level 1: Take one of the commands

    • my_max

    • my_min

    • my_range

    • my_sum

    • mean

    • median

    • mode
    • fib
    • factorize
    • prime


  • Your commands should be case-insensitive

  • You should use python lists to store data

  • You should NOT use built-in python math functions, or math libraries to compute these values


  • Write one function that will convert a string with comma-separated numbers into a python list with the numbers. You can use this in multiple other functions.

  • Don't name any of your functions "min", "max", or "range" or "sum". These are built-in functions.


Load command details

  • Get_data: prompts users for a list of numbers, separated by commas

    • (please also print the list, for testing)

Level 1 details (these functions work with the loaded data list)

  • my_max

  • my_min

  • my_range: Computes the range (difference of greatest value and least value)

  • my_sum

  • mean: Computes and prints the arithmetic mean (average)

Level 2

  • median: show the median (middle value, or average of two middle values)

  • mode: show the mode, or modes

Level 3 details (these functions should use the first number in the data list)

  • prime: determine if a number is prime

  • factorize: get the prime factors of a number

  • fib: get the nth number in the fibonacci sequence

Here is my code so far:

#hehe my sum and stuff
f = open("input.txt",'r')
def input(prompt=''):
print(prompt, end='')
return f.readline().strip()   

#get data
def get_data():

line = input().strip().split(',')
for n in line:

return nums
#get sum
def my_sum(data):
for n in data:
s += n
return s

#get max
def my_max(data):
for n in data:
m >= n
return m


#get min
def my_min(data):
for n in data:
i < n
return i


#get range
def my_range(data):
for n in data:
m - i
return r


#get mean
def mean(data):
for n in data:

#get median
def median(data):
for n in data:
#get mode
def mode(data):
for n in data:
#get prime
def prime(data):
for n in data:

#get factorization
def factorization(data):
for n in data:
#get fib
def fib(data):
for n in data:
#run it
def run_cli():
cmd = input()
if cmd=='exit':
elif cmd=='get_data':
data = get_data()
elif cmd=='my_sum':
s = my_sum(data)
elif cmd=='my_max':
m = my_max(data)
elif cmd=='my_min':
i = my_min(data)
elif cmd=='my_range':
r = my_range(data)
elif cmd=='mean':
e = mean(data)
elif cmd=='median':
d = median(data)
elif cmd=='mode':
o = mode(data)
elif cmd=='prime':
p = prime(data)
elif cmd=='factorization':
f = factorization(data)
elif cmd=='fib':
b = fib(data)

#ha ahsbas
def main():


Expert Solution

Heres the missing functions, please do as needed and if you need any further help you can always reach out to me in comments

f = open("input.txt",'r')
def input(prompt=''):
    print(prompt, end='')
    return f.readline().strip()   

#get data
def get_data():

    line = input().strip().split(',')
    for n in line:

    return nums
#get sum
def my_sum(data):
    for n in data:
        s += n
        return s

#get max
def my_max(data):
    for n in data:
        m >= n
        return m


#get min
def my_min(data):
    for n in data:
        i < n
        return i


#get range
def my_range(data):
    for n in data:
        m - i
        return r


#get mean
def mean(data):
    for n in data:
    return e/len(data)

#get median
def median(data):
    return data[len(data)/2]
#get mode
def mode(data):
    n = len(data) 
    data = Counter(data) 
    get_mode = dict(data) 
    mode = [k for k, v in get_mode.items() if v == max(list(data.values()))] 
    if len(mode) == n: 
        get_mode = "No mode found"
        get_mode = "Mode is / are: " + ', '.join(map(str, mode)) 
  def check_prime(num):
    if num > 1:  
        for i in range(2,num):  
            if (num % i) == 0:  
                return False
            return True
         return True 
#get prime
def prime(data):
    for n in data:
    if(check_prime(n)==True) print(n)

#get factorization
def factorization(data):
    for i in range(1:data+1):
        if(data%i==0) print(i)
#get fib
def fib(data):
    if(data == 0):
        return 0
    elif(data == 1):
        return 1
        return (Fibonacci_series(data - 2) + Fibonacci_series(data - 1))
#run it
def run_cli():
        cmd = input()
        if cmd=='exit':
    elif cmd=='get_data':
        data = get_data()
    eliif cmd=='my_sum':
        s = my_sum(data)
    elif cmd=='my_max':
        m = my_max(data)
    elif cmd=='my_min':
        i = my_min(data)
    elif cmd=='my_range':
        r = my_range(data)
    elif cmd=='mean':
        e = mean(data)
    elif cmd=='median':
        d = median(data)
    elif cmd=='mode':
        o = mode(data)
    elif cmd=='prime':
        p = prime(data)
    elif cmd=='factorization':
        f = factorization(data)
    elif cmd=='fib':
        b = fib(data)

#ha ahsbas
def main():

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