
In: Operations Management

describe in detail three theories that come from the book: Good to Great include an illustrative...

describe in detail three theories that come from the book: Good to Great include an illustrative example for each. How can each theory be applied to startups.


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Good to Great

This book was written by Jim C. Collins.

The book tells about how companies changes from being good companies to great companies and how companies fail to make the change.

The book contains 3 theories:

1. Disciplined people: this states that getting the deserved people and keep them focused.

2. Disciplined thought: this states that being sincere about your work.

3. Disciplined action: this states that what is important to attain and what isn't.

Disciplined people

This have 2 concepts:

  • Level 5 leadership
  • First Who, Then What

Level 5 leadership :

It says about 5 leaders every company have. Organizational hierarchy, Lowest level of leadership is most capable individual. These people uses their skill and good work ethics.

Next level is ​​​​​​​Contributing team these people use their knowledge to help their team to get success.

Next level is Competent manager,  these managers are capable of organizing their team to reach their goal.

Next level is Effective leaders,  this is where the majority of leaders are found. They commit from their team to effectively conduct a clear vision.

Finally the last level leadership. they are great leaders who have the ability of other four level and unique combination of modesty and believe.

First Who, Then What:

This concept is not only quality of leadership which is important to be great but it's the quality of people in group is equally as valued.

Meaning of first who, then what is, that you don't decide what you want to do and get the people whom you don't want .

      Disciplined thought

  • Confront the brutal facts:

The best results can only be attain when you make lots of good decision and then execute well. To make good decisions you need to confront the facts and even those facts which are brutal and uncomfortabe. There are facts which you need to create the good atmosphere

1.lead with questions not with answers

2.Engage in dialog and debate, not coercion

3.conduct autopsies without blame and use them to learn

The Hedgehog concept

A hedgehog is a much more simple creature.

It doesn't get bogged down by all the complexity. They see a single goal and execute to achieve that objective. Good to Great companies behave like hedgehog. They stick at their work without getting distracted.

It states what you are passionate about, what you can be best interest world at and what drives your economic engine.

Disciplined Action

Culture of discipline :

This tells that there is no need to excessively control the action of your team.

Build a culture of freedom and responsibility but within a defined framework.

Get the right people on board.

Create a stop doing list.

Technology Accelerator

They view technology in light of their hedgehog concept . They uses technology in unique ways. They maintain a balanced view of technology.

These theories can be applied to start-ups as throughout the theory it tells how to make a company successful in a long term strategy. It's important to take a modest approach to every company. When communicating with the public company should impress the customer and build relationships. These theories have all the concept to make a startup from good to great and lead to a successful firm

Best example is Co-cola.

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