
In: Computer Science

In Linux Can you reboot the system as a normal user? Explain your answer. Draw on...

In Linux

  • Can you reboot the system as a normal user? Explain your answer. Draw on the concepts discussed in this course to justify your answer.
  • How do you change the system run level? Changing the system run level means switching from your default run level to run level 1 and vice versa.

Your response to each should meet the following criteria:

  • It should be a minimum of 1 paragraph (five single-spaced sentences).
  • If you are using outside sources, you need to acknowledge your sources with APA citations.

please type your answer, I will rate you well.


Expert Solution

  • In Linux ,only super user(admin) can reboot or shutdown the systems.As you ask in the question how can i reboot the linux system as a normal user that is to modify /etc/sudoers.By modifying this, giving permissions to every user(normal user)  that is in admin group can execute following commands without being ask for a password.

sudo halt

sudo reboot

sudo poweroff

Modify the /etc/sudoers by adding following lines:

%admin ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/halt, /sbin/reboot, /sbin/poweroff

The above line represents that all users in admin group is allowed to execute halt and reboot the system

and add yourself to the admin group.

  • Runlevel can be defined as a part of Linux OS which determines the processes that need to be started at system startup.The processes that need to be started by "init"which is the first processes that gets executed with PID 1and at system bootup are determined by the default runlevel that is mentioned in /etc/inittab file.

The defualt runlevel starts from 0 and end with 6.This means there are 7 runlevels in any Linux system.

0 System halt (the default level)

1 Single user mode(runlevel 1)

2 Multi user mode without networking

3 Multi user mode with networking

4 Not used/special purpose

5 Multi user mode with GUI

6 System reboot

As you ask in the question how can i change the system runlevel.For that my answer is ,all runlevels are defined in a directory "/etc/rcX.d",where X corresponds to the runlevel.

Changing the Viewing the run level:

You can view the default runlevel of the system which is defined in the file /etc/inittab.

#grep ^id/etc/inittab


As you can see from the above output,the default runlevel is 3.If you want to change this to runlevel 1,edit the /etc/inittab file with the following line:


You can change the runlevel in otherway,by using the command telinit(stands for telling init 0 change runlevel).This actually signals "init" process to change the runlevel.

#telinit 1

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