In: Economics
Explain the intent and significance of the principles of cooperatives today. Are these principles still appropriate and necessary for co-operative movement?
People centered enterprises which were owned and funned by and for their members in order to satisfy their common social, economical and cultural need and aspirations is called cooperatives. It is not intended in profit and more than that it was driven by values. It was seeing as sustainable enterprise as it putting equality, justice and fairness in it
Cooperatives have intent and Cooperatives significant includes open voluntary membership, Democratic control, Members economic participation, principle Corper ation among, autonomy and independence, concern for community, building cooperatives stability. These principles are based on basic human values such as equality, financial, self help, self responsibility, equity, solidarity. The imp-alimentations of these principle ensures ethical social life.Now in the current situation world is at the risk of pandemic ovid 19 corporation between enterprises becoming relevant. It is becomes very necessary to keep air and corporation environ free at this condition.Inoerder to provide equal distribution of the credits of globalization cooperative principles are relevant. Necessity of cooperation in largely increasing during lockdown. International cooperation is also necessary.World is facing hudge economic crisis in this time.During this heavy time cooperative industries and services are playing greater and appreciable role in strengthening people and society.Mnay necessary services are facing limitation of needed staffs and deficit of products which required and here cooperative principles becoming it needs enterprises with ethical values in order to overcome the current situation and to build a sustainable future.There are so many cooperatives like SEWA ,CERCINA,COMETA in Colombia are all taken many initiatives under the basis of cooperative principles.During the covid time so many cooperatives are providing their workers ,communities with satisfactory relief from affects of pandemic. Now it is needed proper care and hygiene at working places and in community .Extra care is taken in traveling in public transport etc of workers inorder to reach their work place .working time should be modified accordingly. workers should provided with hand sanitizer and mask also at work places.Monitoring of the care taken against pandemic by the workers also should is also necessary to make community stable to cultivate food in their home .Payments of loans or other services can be extended for the time being.Proper training should given to people to get relief from stress due to the virus.peple at lower level of community should provide with necessary food items. There are many other activities carrying out by cooperatives during this time.
These principles are still necessary and appropriate for the corporative movement .The voluntary and open membership of voluntary allow people to themselves accept the responsibilities of membership without any discriminations. Democratic member control allows people to effectively make decisions in their policies.And the economic member participation and autonomy independent also help to control the organization by its member sand to ensure democracy in decisons.Education and training will strengthen its members, And at last concern for community ensures strengthen in services provided in community by these cooperatives and to have sustainable development.