
In: Biology

1. (3) How could you tell if a plant you have found is a sporophyte or...

1. (3) How could you tell if a plant you have found is a sporophyte or a gametophyte? Use your imagination and describe an experiment you could do.

2. (3) a. Explain why the sporophyte is “dependent” on the gametophyte in the moss and the fern.

b. Which is the “dominant” form in each of these?


Expert Solution

Answer 1)

The sporophyte consists of diploid cells. It means the two set of chromosome are present in the cell.

The gametophyte consists of haploid cellsm it means the single set of chromosome is present.

You have to take the plant cell. Make a mount of that cell and look in the microscope.


* Take the portion of the tissue.

* put it in 3:1 ethanol and glacial acetic acid solutionsolution for one day.

* Now add 1/10 N HCl in it.

* Add 2-3 drops of acetocarmine on it.

* Now warm it gentlym

* Then pur the coverslip and squashed it gently.

* Now look in the microscope. And look for metaphase.

if there is single set of chromosome, then it is gametophyte whereas two set of chromosome depicts sporophyte.


Answer 2)


Sporophyte is dependent on the gametophyte for nutritionnutrition in fern and mosses. The gametophyte provides the food material to the sporophyte because sporophyte do not have chlorophyllous tissue in the early stages.


The gametophyte phase is dominant in mosses.

The sporophyte phase is dominant in fern.

please rate.

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