In: Finance
In most cities the City Manager is responsible for documenting and presenting the city budget. However, the City Manager is often relying on information provide by several agencies within the city. Should the City Manager be held responsible?
Answer :-
In most cities the City Manager is responsible for documenting and presenting the city budget. However, the City Manager is often relying on information provide by several agencies within the city. The accountability on the documentation and the city budget is of city manager . This is the thinking capacity or the capability of the city manager to review the information given by the several agencies and also the work is also alloted to these agencies are through city manager . So if there is any variation in the documentation or budget then it is the responsibility of city manager .
The last accountability on the Budgets is of city manager . The city manager can not refuse his liabilty on the basis that he relying on the information of the several agencies. It is the general duty of the city manager to review or recheck little bit the information or data given by the city manager. And then use it for making budget .
So the city manager is held responsible for it .