
In: Computer Science

create a function that sorted tuple by the second values of each tuple. If the values...

create a function that sorted tuple by the second values of each tuple. If the values are the same, sorted by increasing order. Finally returns a list of the first element of each tuple that sorted.

def sort_tup(tup):

#Code here

input : tup1 = [(1, 15), (2, 8), (3, 22), (4, 30), (5, 15)]

output: [4,3,1,5,2]


Expert Solution

Code Screenshot :

Executable Code:

#Required function
def sort_tup(tup):
   #Empty list
   result = []
   #Sorting the tuple
   sorted_by_second = sorted(tup,key=lambda tup: tup[1],reverse = True)
   for i in sorted_by_second:
       #Append elements to the list
   #Return the resultant list
   return result

#Testing and Output
tup1 = [(1, 15), (2, 8), (3, 22), (4, 30), (5, 15)]

Sample Output :

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