
In: Computer Science

linux Use apt-get to UNINSTALL the appropriate text editor package for your distribution. If you are...


  1. Use apt-get to UNINSTALL the appropriate text editor package for your distribution. If you are using Ubuntu uninstall vim-tiny since it is no longer needed. If you are using Lubuntu, uninstall emacs (or tell me the command to uninstall it if you would like to continue using emacs). Paste the output of the installation information or a screenshot of that output below along with your command.


Output of installation information:

2.What command can you use to verify that vim-tiny or emacs is now uninstalled?



Expert Solution

Ans -1) I uninstalled vim-tiny using the commad : sudo apt-get remove vim-tiny

Ans - 2) we can run the command : whereis vim

It should show you if vim-tiny is installed and where it is installed.

we can see that there is no vim.tiny after uninstalling it.

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