
In: Operations Management

What type(s) of control of employees and production processes is/are used by Starbucks Corporation? (250 words)...

What type(s) of control of employees and production processes is/are used by Starbucks Corporation?

(250 words)
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Expert Solution

Starbucks Corporation:

Starbucks Corporation is an American coffee company and a chain of coffee houses. The company was founded in Seattle, Washington(U.S) in 1971. They serve the best fresh-roasted whole coffee beans.

Type of Control of employees are as follows:

1. Bureaucratic control

  • It inculcates rules and authority to guide employees' performance.
  • It helps in control of franchising so that they offer good quality to their valued customers.
  • The company keeps written documentation which is called "Employee Handbook". The employee handbook covers rules, policies and what is expected from the employee.

2. Market Control

  • Market control uses economic factors and pricing processes to regulate employee performance.
  • Market controls are used to analyze profits and losses.
  • It helps to analyze economic information.
  • It is in the form of marketing research, cash flow statements, sales analysis, etc.

3. Clan Control

  • Clan Control is a mechanism that empowers the organization’s employees to meet the organization's performance standards.
  • It comprises of corporate culture, values, beliefs, informal relationships with the organization.
  • It helps to control the employee's behavior and helps to reach the organization's goals.

Production Processes:

The production processes in Starbucks includes three parts in general

1) Sifting and Sorting – In this stage, it dries the beans. The best fresh beans are then sorted out.

2) Roasting – The beans are evenly roasted in this process and removed from the roasted to move to the blending process.

3) Blending – The beans are then transported to the blending machines using pneumatic conveyors. The beans are then mixed to create distinct flavors.

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