
In: Operations Management

After reading Chapter 6 on Lean Systems, one obvious take away is that a huge component...

After reading Chapter 6 on Lean Systems, one obvious take away is that a huge component of successful Lean implementation is teamwork. A case could be made that Lean systems work better in some cultures than in others, depending how that culture values the collective. In essence, it comes down to Teamwork vs. Autonomy. For example, you could make a statement that Toyota is very good at Lean systems because Japanese culture traditionally values the collective over the individual. Think about a culture that you are familiar with and give your opinion on if you think that a Lean System would fair well there and why. A culture could be from a company, school, city, state, country, region, etc. I'm interested in what you think and your opinion here, so have some fun with the topic while being sensitive to all cultures and viewpoints.


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[Q] Think about a culture that you are familiar with and give your opinion on if you think that a Lean System would do fair well there and why?

Here, for instance, as I would like to think a culture where Lean System would do reasonable is a Chevrolet assembly plant. I concur all vehicle plants appear to be identical, especially in case you're inexperienced with vehicle assembly the inquiry is in fact: What is so intriguing about this?

Presently, we should put on some lean glasses and search for "one-second waste." Why one second?

[a.] First, on the grounds that our lives go through second-by-second and every second of somebody's life is valuable and we shouldn't squander it on muda.

[b.] Second, on the grounds that the one-second glasses we will you see that in spite of the fact that the two tasks appear to be comparative, at the one-second granular level, things are totally different.

[c.] Third, in light of the fact that the general profitability of vehicles per all outnumbers of representatives will be influenced by the total of these seconds that include as the day progressed.

[d.] And fourth in light of the fact that killing one-second waste is truly testing and needs both kaizen and designing collaboration.

The primary thing to see in the Chevrolet assembly plant [though numerous other vehicle plants do so now as well] is that despite the fact that it would appear that "large scale manufacturing," every vehicle is distinctive, similar to individuals lining at a pastry kitchen. Every vehicle has a Kanban card appended to it, with its character and specs, as far as alternatives, etc. which decides the work substance be done on the vehicle. Here we're taking a gander at how fluid machinist developments are on the grounds that individuals are sure about:

  • Their undertakings,
  • The succession of undertakings that make the activity,
  • The framework and apparatuses that help them to prevail at the errand.

In bygone era lean: we figure out how to take a gander at [1] Hand development, [2] Feet development, [3] Eye developments, and we search for battle or standing by any break in the ease and stream of the development. We search for struggle: Every time the fluid machinist puts a section or uses an apparatus to put a section, does the person in question struggle? Does it go directly in, or, for example, when they utilize a screw weapon, do they need to hold the screw set up and look cautiously if the screw goes in right. We will see three things in the Chevrolet assembly plant where Lean System would do reasonably:

[a.] The work opposes next to no: everything is by all accounts intended to either chomp you or amass wrong. Here, parts are generally cut in one deft move not waiting be tinkered with it.

[b.] The fluid machinist frequently utilize two hands: To complete an undertaking, they'll get screws with one hand and the instrument with the other in asynchronous development. This is extremely dubious in light of the fact that it takes out the eye development, it accepts that administrators will discover what they need where they expect and don't have to look other than a speedy look. This includes making stations where it's anything but difficult to situate oneself in space without looking.

[c.] There is a ton of pushing yet hardly any conveying: There are a few, as every so often taking a huge part from the side of the line to the vehicle, yet generally there are gadgets that help parts that can be pushed around and set smoothly.

Such ease is accomplished through [1] training until the nuts and bolts of every activity become natural [which includes a great deal of indicating individuals what to search for and where to look] and [2] kaizen, from a general perspective. It's not evident from the outset, yet this isn't simply operator kaizen, there is a great deal of assembling engineering and even vehicle designing contribution to request to disentangle steps along these lines.

Thus, the objective of kaizen is to "go lean" with assembling forms by improving current normalized procedures and projects to dispose of waste and increment proficiency. Kaizen is at times alluded to as part activity plan and part theory. Activity plans comprise of sorting out center gatherings or groups and occasions set on improving explicit zones inside the Chevrolet assembly plant. Groups ought to incorporate workers from all levels and spotlight vigorously on representatives on the plant floor.

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