
In: Biology

Compare and contrast the muscular anatomy of annelida vs nematodes. How do each of thse groups...

Compare and contrast the muscular anatomy of annelida vs nematodes. How do each of thse groups use their muscular systems to effect movement/locomotion?


Expert Solution

Annelida exhibit organ system level of body organization and bilateral symmetry and metamerically segmented,

Annelida posses longitudinal and circular muscles in the body wall. Which help in locomotion. Coelom with coelomic fluid provides a hydrostatic skeleton giving stiffness to the body parts thus aiding in locomotion. Aquatic annelids such as nereis possess lateral appendages, the parapodia, which help in swimming, chitinous setae and suckers also helps in locomotion in some. Cephalization is more pronounced with distinct head and sense organs.


Nematoda is a round worms have organ system level of organization they posses a bilatral symmtrical triploblastic and pseudocoelomate animals, body is unsegmented and covered by a transparent tough and protective collagenous cuticle. and longitudinal and strip like muscular cells which contain two types of muscular platymarian and celomeryan which helps in locomotion in the presents of cuticle.

Alimentary canal is complete with a mouth, well developed muscular pharynx and anus. Muscle controled by vental and dorsal nerves.

Annelida is well developed muscular and Locomotary organization than nematoda.

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