
In: Computer Science

****in java please*** Create a class CheckingAccount with a static variable of type double called interestRate,...

****in java please***

Create a class CheckingAccount with a static variable of type double called interestRate, two instance variables of type String called firstName and LastName, an instance variable of type int called ID, and an instance variable of type double called balance. The class should have an appropriate constructor to set all instance variables and get and set methods for both the static and the instance variables. The set methods should verify that no invalid data is set. Also define three methods, Deposit which takes an amount and adds it to the balance, Withdrawal which takes an amount and subtracts it from the balance, and Compound, which multiplies the balance by the interestRate and adds that amount to the balance. Write an application which shows the user the following menu and implements all options. The program should continue to run and process requests until the user selects 8. The program should double-check that the user really wants to exit. You may use a limit of 10 possible accounts to simplify implementation. The program should assign new account numbers to assure their uniqueness. All input must be validated and appropriate feedback given for invalid input.

1 – Enter a new account2 – Delete individual account3 – Deposit to individual account4 – Withdrawal from individual account5 – Compound all accounts6 – Display all accounts7 – Set interest rate8 – Exit program

outline below:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Lab6Shell
   public static void main(String[] args)
       // data
       Scanner input = new Scanner(;
       CheckingAccount [] accounts = new CheckingAccount [10];
       boolean exit = false;
       int selection = 0;

       int nextIDNumber = 100000;
       int accountNumber = 0;
       String firstName;
       String lastName;
       double balance;
       double amount;

       boolean found = false;

       // ALGORITHM
       // loop until user exits
           // display options

           // get selection (validate)

           // switch on selection
           case 1:
               // get name from user

               // get balance from user (validate)

               // set found to false

               // loop through array looking for empty spot
               for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++)
                   if (accounts[i] == null)
                      // create new CheckingAccount and assign to current array element

                       // set found to true

                       // break out of loop

               // if not found, give error message

               // break out of switch statement

           case 2:
               // get id number to delete

               // set found to false

               // loop through array looking for this account
               for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++)
                   if (accounts[i] != null && accounts[i].GetAccountNumber() == accountNumber)
                       // delete object

                       // set found to true

                       // break out of loop

               // if not found, give error message

               // break out of switch statement

           case 3:
               // get id number to deposit to

               // get amount to deposit (validate)

               // set found to false
               // loop through array looking for this account
                       // call deposit method
                       // set found to true
                       // break out of loop
               // if not found, give error message
               // break out of switch statement

           case 4:
               // get id number to withdraw from
               // get amount to withdraw (validate)
               // set found to false
               // loop through array looking for this account
                       // call withdraw method if sufficient funds
                       // set found to true
               // if not found, give error message
               // break out of switch statement
           case 5:
               // loop through array looking for valid objects
                       // call compoundMonthly method

               // break out of switch statement
           case 6:
               // loop through array looking for valid objects and display all info about each object
               // break out of switch statement
           case 7:
               //   get new interest rate (validate)

               // set interest rate

               // break out of switch statement

           case 8:
               // confirm user wants to exit
                   // set variable to break out of loop
               // break out of switch statement

           } // end stitch

       } while (!exit);// End loop

class CheckingAccount
   // declare static variable

   // declare instance variables

   // one constructor

   // get/set methods


Expert Solution

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import java.util.Scanner;

public class Lab6Shell{
        public static void main(String[] args) {
                // data
                Scanner input = new Scanner(;
                CheckingAccount[] accounts = new CheckingAccount[10];
                boolean exit = false;
                int selection = 0;

                int nextIDNumber = 100000;
                int accountNumber = 0;
                String firstName;
                String lastName;
                double balance;
                double amount;

                boolean found = false;

                // ALGORITHM
                // loop until user exits
                do {
                        // display options
                                        "1 – Enter a new account"
                                        + "\n2 – Delete individual account"
                                        + "\n3 – Deposit to individual account"
                                        + "\n4 – Withdrawal from individual account"
                                        + "\n5 – Compound all accounts"
                                        + "\n6 – Display all accounts"
                                        + "\n7 – Set interest rate"
                                        + "\n8 – Exit");

                        // get selection (validate)
                        selection = input.nextInt(); input.nextLine();

                        // switch on selection
                        switch (selection) {
                        case 1:
                                // get name from user
                                System.out.print("First name: ");
                                firstName = input.nextLine();
                                System.out.print("Last name: ");
                                lastName = input.nextLine();

                                // get balance from user (validate)
                                System.out.print("Balance: $");
                                balance = input.nextDouble(); input.nextLine();
                                if(balance<0) {
                                        System.out.println("Invalid balance");
                                        balance =0;

                                // set found to false
                                found = false;

                                // loop through array looking for empty spot
                                for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) {
                                        if (accounts[i] == null) {
                                                // create new CheckingAccount and assign to current array element
                                                accounts[i] = new CheckingAccount(firstName, lastName, nextIDNumber++, balance);
                                                // set found to true
                                                found = true;

                                                // break out of loop

                                // if not found, give error message
                                        System.out.println("No space for new account");

                                // break out of switch statement

                        case 2:
                                // get id number to delete
                                System.out.print("Account Number: ");
                                accountNumber = input.nextInt(); input.nextLine();

                                // set found to false
                                found = false;

                                // loop through array looking for this account
                                for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) {
                                        if (accounts[i] != null && accounts[i].getId() == accountNumber) {
                                                // delete object
                                                accounts[i] = null;
                                                // set found to true
                                                found = true;
                                                // break out of loop

                                // if not found, give error message
                                        System.out.println("Account not found!");

                                // break out of switch statement

                        case 3:
                                // get id number to deposit to
                                System.out.print("Account Number: ");
                                accountNumber = input.nextInt(); input.nextLine();

                                // get amount to deposit (validate)
                                System.out.print("Amount: $");
                                amount = input.nextDouble(); input.nextLine();
                                if(amount<0) {
                                        System.out.println("Invalid amount!");

                                // set found to false
                                found =  false;
                                // loop through array looking for this account
                                for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) {
                                        if (accounts[i] != null && accounts[i].getId() == accountNumber) {
                                                // call deposit method
                                                // set found to true
                                                found = true;
                                                // break out of loop
                                // if not found, give error message
                                        System.out.println("Account not found!");
                                // break out of switch statement

                        case 4:
                                // get id number to withdraw from
                                System.out.print("Account Number: ");
                                accountNumber = input.nextInt(); input.nextLine();

                                // get amount to withdraw (validate)
                                System.out.print("Amount: $");
                                amount = input.nextDouble(); input.nextLine();
                                if(amount<0) {
                                        System.out.println("Invalid amount!");

                                // set found to false
                                found =  false;
                                // loop through array looking for this account
                                for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) {
                                        if (accounts[i] != null && accounts[i].getId() == accountNumber) {
                                                if(amount> accounts[i].getBalance()) {
                                                        System.out.println("Insufficient balance!");
                                                        found = true;
                                                // call withdraw method if sufficient funds
                                                // set found to true
                                                found = true;
                                // if not found, give error message
                                        System.out.println("Account not found!");
                                // break out of switch statement
                        case 5:
                                // loop through array looking for valid objects
                                for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) {
                                        if(accounts[i] != null) {
                                                // call compoundMonthly method

                                // break out of switch statement
                        case 6:
                                // loop through array looking for valid objects and display all info about each
                                for (int i = 0; i < accounts.length; i++) {
                                        if(accounts[i] != null) {
                                                // object
                                                System.out.println("Name: "+accounts[i].getFirstName()+" "+accounts[i].getLastName());
                                                System.out.println("Account ID: "+accounts[i].getId());
                                                System.out.println("Balance: $"+accounts[i].getBalance());
                                // break out of switch statement
                        case 7:
                                // get new interest rate (validate)
                                System.out.print("Interest Rate(in decimal): ");
                                double rate = input.nextDouble(); input.nextLine();
                                if(rate<0) {
                                        System.out.println("Invalid Rate!");
                                        rate = 0;
                                // set interest rate

                                // break out of switch statement

                        case 8:
                                // confirm user wants to exit
                                System.out.print("Do you want to exit(y/n)? ");
                                char ch = input.nextLine().charAt(0);
                                if(ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y') {
                                        // set variable to break out of loop
                                        exit = true;
                                // break out of switch statement

                        } // end stitch

                } while (!exit);// End loop


class CheckingAccount {
        private static double interestRate;
        private String firstName;
        private String lastName;
        private int id;
        private double balance;

        public CheckingAccount(String firstName, String lastName, int id, double balance) {
                this.firstName = firstName;
                this.lastName = lastName;
       = id;

        public static double getInterestRate() {
                return interestRate;

        public static void setInterestRate(double interestRate) {
                if (interestRate < 0)
                        CheckingAccount.interestRate = 0;
                CheckingAccount.interestRate = interestRate;

        public String getFirstName() {
                return firstName;

        public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
                this.firstName = firstName;

        public String getLastName() {
                return lastName;

        public void setLastName(String lastName) {
                this.lastName = lastName;

        public int getId() {
                return id;

        public void setId(int id) {
       = id;

        public double getBalance() {
                return balance;

        public void setBalance(double balance) {
                if (balance < 0)
                        this.balance = 0;
                this.balance = balance;

        public void deposit(double amount) {
                balance += amount;

        public void withdraw(double amount) {
                balance -= amount;

        public void compound() {
                double amount = balance * interestRate;
                balance += amount;


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