
In: Physics

(a) A solenoid having an inductance of 6.30μH is connected in series with a 1.6 kΩ...

(a) A solenoid having an inductance of 6.30μH
is connected in series with a 1.6 kΩ
resistor. If a 14.0V
battery is connected across the pair, What is the current in units of A
through the resistor at time t=1.0τL

(b)A certain elastic conducting material is stretched into a circular loop of 4.6 cm
radius. It is placed with its plane perpendicular to a uniform 0.5 T
magnetic field. When released, the radius of the loop starts to shrink at an instantaneous rate of 75.0cm/s
. What emf is induced in the loop at that instant in units of V


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