
In: Computer Science

Write a program to allow a user to play the game Hangman. DO NOT USE AN...

Write a program to allow a user to play the game Hangman. DO NOT USE AN ARRAY

The program will generate a random number (between 1 and 4581) to pick a word from the file - this is the word you then have to guess.

Note: if the random number you generate is 42, you need the 42nd word - so loop 41 times picking up the word from the file and not doing anything with it, it is the 42nd you need. Here is how you will do this:

String word:

for (int k=0; k<41; k++)


}//end loop and now pick up the word you want

word=scnr.nextLine() //this is the one you want

The user will be allowed to guess a letter as many times as it takes - but 10 wrong guesses and they lose!!

Eventually either they won or lost. In case they lost print out the answer.

Code language: Java using JGrasp or NetBeans


Expert Solution

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;

// class defination
class Hangman
   // main function
   public static void main(String[] args)
       // variable declaration
       Random random = new Random();
       String word = new String();
       int wrongCount = 0;
       // game will run until user wants to exit or made 10 wrong guesses
           // ask user for option weather want to play or exit
           System.out.println("\nChose an option \n1.Play \n2.Exit");
           Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
           int option = scan.nextInt();
           // if player chose 2 program will terminat
           if(option == 2)
           // generating random number between 1 - 4580
           int number = random.nextInt(4580) + 1;
           System.out.println("\nyou have to guess the word of no. : " + number);
           // asking user to guess the word
           System.out.print("Guess your word : ");
           String guessWord =;
               // opening word.txt file and reaching to the required line
               File file = new File("word.txt");
               Scanner scnr = new Scanner(file);
               for(int i = 0 ; i < number - 1 ; i++)
                   word = scnr.nextLine();
               // storing correct word to the variable word
               word = scnr.nextLine();
               // closing file
           catch(FileNotFoundException e)
           // checking if the guess word is correct or not
               System.out.println("Correct ");
               System.out.println("Wrong guess, correct answer is : " + word);
           // if user made 10 wrong guess terminat the program as mentioned in the question
           if(wrongCount == 10)
               System.out.println("\nGame Over! you have made 10 wrong guesses\nBye Bye");

// for testing this code you need a word.txt file in the same directory where file is stored

// and word.txt file must have 4581 line of word as code is generating random number between 1 - 4081 according to question

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