
In: Computer Science

Step 3: Edit Download the file, and open it in jGrasp (or a text...

Step 3: Edit

Download the file, and open it in jGrasp (or a text editor of your choice). You will need to write a method that will take an array of Strings (String[]) along with a regular expression, and will call split() on each one of those Strings with the given regular expression. The result of this method should be a two-dimensional array of String (String[][]).

You will also need to write a method to print out this two-dimensional array of Strings.

The main method will call both methods, using “,” as the regular expression. Example output is shown below, which corresponds to the command-line arguments "one,two,three" " alpha,beta,gamma" "delta" "first,second":

0: one two three
1: alpha beta gamma
2: delta
3: first second

The output above shows that the 0th element ("one,two,three") produced the values one, two, and three when a split with “,” was performed. Each subsequent line follows the same general pattern for all the subsequent indices in the command-line argument array


public class MultiSplit {
    // TODO - write your code below this comment.
    // You will need to write two methods:
    // 1.) A method named multiSplit which will take an
    //     array of strings, as well as a String specifying
    //     the regular expression to split on.
    //     The method returns a two-dimensional array, where each
    //     element in the outer dimension corresponds to one
    //     of the input Strings.  For example:
    //     multiSplit(new String[]{"one,two", "three,four,five"}, ",")
    //     ....returns...
    //     { { "one", "two" }, { "three", "four", "five" } }
    // 2.) A method named printSplits which will take the sort
    //     of splits produced by multiSplit, and print them out.
    //     Given the example above, this should produce the following
    //     output:
    //     0: one two
    //     1: three four five
    //     Each line is permitted (but not required) to have a trailing
    //     space (" "), which may make your implementation simpler.
    // DO NOT MODIFY main!
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[][] splits = multiSplit(args, ",");


Expert Solution

import java.util.*; 
public class MultiSplit{
    public List mutliSplit(String arr[], String separator){
        ArrayList<String[]> ret = new ArrayList<String[]>(); 
        for (int i=0;i<arr.length;i++){
            String [] separate = arr[i].split(separator);
        return ret;

    public static void printSplits(ArrayList<String[]> ret){
        int count = 0;
        while (ret.size()>count){
            String[] list = ret.get(count);
            System.out.print(count+": ");
            for (int i=0;i<list.length;i++)
                System.out.print(list[i] + " ");

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ArrayList<String[]> splits = multiSplit(args, ",");

In this program, instead of using a 2d array, an ArrayList of 1d String arrays is taken. If THAT is a problem, please comment, and I'll post edit it for the same.

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