
In: Computer Science

Use CYGWIN TERMINAL to create this script. COPY AND PASTE the screenshot. Script 1: 1.   Perform...

Use CYGWIN TERMINAL to create this script. COPY AND PASTE the screenshot.
Script 1:
1.   Perform a ls -al on the files within the user's home directory and save it to a file called ls.dat within your ~ directory
2.   Save the tree information for the /home directory in a file called tree.dat within your ~directory
3.   Create a new directory in your home directory called "backups"
4.   Move the files you just created to the new directory
5.   Rename the files that you just moved to "ls.bu" and "tree.bu".


Expert Solution

1. ~ means home directory and ls will list all the files.-al are attributes f ls comman and they mean
a --> list all the hidden file types
l --> to prit he long version ersion of the files (in detail)
We use output edirection symbol (>) to save the o/p to new file.
So the command would be

ls -al > ls.dat

2.Tree command will print the list of irectories in the given path.It has many attributes like -a-->print hidden files,-d-->print directories only etc
tree ./home
to save this output use the redirection opertor,i.e >
So command willbe

tree ./home > tree.dat

3.To create new directory command used is "mkdir"
Command will be
mkdir backups

inorder to move to files to current directory we use 'mv' command and to refer to current directory we use "./".
For renaming the file we can use the same mv command where we expliciy give the target filename (which is the new name)

4.command will be as below
mv ls.dat ./backups

mv tree.dat ./backups

5. navigate to backups folder and give ls command to view the renamed files
mv ls.dat ./backups/ls.bu

mv tree.dat ./backups/tree.bu

All the commands in sequential order for the above questions.

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