In: Physics
See the diagram :
I have marked the forces on the spheres.
N = contact force between the spheres ( to be calculated)
N1 = contact force between bottom sphere and bottom of cylinder.
N2 = contact force between cylinder wall and bottom sphere.
N3 = contact force between cylinder wall and top sphere (to be calculated).
Mg = force of gravity on both spheres.
= angle between line joining centers and horizontal.
Beside there is triangle to calculate
Now, balacing the forces on the spheres.
For Bottom sphere :
N1 = N sin
+ Mg ------ (i)
N2 = N cos
------ (ii)
For Top sphere:
N sin
= Mg -----(iii)
N cos
= N3 -----(iv)
from equation (iii) :
Dividing the equa. (iii) and (iv) :