
In: Computer Science

This assignment requires you to use at least one loop and an array. You can refer...

This assignment requires you to use at least one loop and an array. You can refer to our book and any programs you have written so far. Make sure that your work is your own. Write a comment at the beginning of your program with your name and your birthday (month and day, does not need to include year). For example: John Doe, May 23. Create an array that will store whole numbers. The size of the array should be ten more than the month number of your birthday. Continuing the example, for a birthday in May, the array will be of size 15 since May is the fifth month and 5 + 10 = 15. Then let the user enter each value to store in the array. Perform input validation that the user enters numbers between 1 and the day of the month that is your birthday. (That is, a value is invalid if is less than 1. Similarly, a value is invalid if it is greater than the day of the month that is your birthday.) Continuing the example, for a birthday on the 23 of the month, the valid values the user can enter are 1 through 23. Go through the array and collapse the array into a single representative number as follows: i. First replace every three adjacent integers with the sum of the two numbers. For example, if the first three elements of the array are 1, 2, and 3, they become the single value of 6. For example [1, 2, 8, 9, 4, 13, 7, 1, 9, 10, 5] becomes [11, 26, 17, 15] ii. Go through the new array and modify any number that is larger than 12 to be the difference between it and 12. (You can use either subtraction or modulus for this.) Continuing the example, [11, 26, 17, 15] becomes [11, 14, 5, 3] Then iteratively continue collapsing the array until you have a single representative integer. Continuing the example: Add adjacent three integers in [11, 14, 5, 3] to get [30, 3] Then change it to become [18, 3] Add adjacent three integers in [18, 3] to get the single value of 21 which is modified to be 9 and the result is displayed to the user


Expert Solution

//Deepesh Malhotra, Jan 31

//This code is in C++ Language...
using namespace std;

int main()
   //as my month number is 1 so array size will be month number +10, hence 1+10=11
   int arr[11];
   //so user can enter 11 numbers in the arr
   int n,k=0;
   //checking if n is <= 11 then only we can go further otherwise it will out of range of arr
       //taking values from the user
       for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
       // this loop will give us values which are invaid as values ranges from 1 to 31
       for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
           if(a[i] < 1 || a[i] >31)
           cout<<a[i]<<"Invalid number: Should be greater than 1 and less than 31";
       //replacing every 3 adjacent elements of array with their sum
           //as k value will get changed below so we have to make it zero everytime
           for(int i=0;i<n;i=i+3)
               sum=a[i] + a[i+1] + a[i+2];
           //updating value of n
           //if any number is larger than 12 then replace it with the difference the no. and 12
           for(int i=0;i<=n;i++)
               ifa[i] > 12)
               a[i]=a[i] - 12;
       //repeating this process till one single element is left
       //printing the result

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