In: Biology
1. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. The amino acid pool is the body's total supply of amino acids in the body's proteins.
B. Fats and carbohydrates are oxidized directly to produce cellular energy.
C.Amino acids can be used to supply energy only after being converted to a citric acid cycle intermediate.
D. Excess carbohydrate and fat can be stored as such, whereas excess amino acids are oxidized for energy or converted to fat or glycogen for storage.
2. If you were to jog one kilometer a few hours after lunch, which stored fuel would you probably tap?
A. muscle proteins
B. blood proteins
C. fat stored in adipose tissue
D.liver glycogen and muscle glycogen
3.A fasting animal whose energy needs exceed those provided in its diet will draw on its stored resources in which order? (See slides 81-82 in the Exam 3 review PowerPoint.)
A.fat, then glycogen, then protein
B. glycogen, then protein, then fat
C. liver glycogen, then muscle glycogen, then fat
D. muscle glycogen, then fat, then liver glycogen
Q1 ans is option A is FALSE.
THE amino acid pool is the mixture of free amino acids available in the cell derived from dietary sources and the degradation of stored protein.
Other all options are TRUE statements.
Q 2 ans option D is correct.liver glycogen and muscle glycogen.
If anyone goes for jog of 1 km after few hours of lunch then there will be decreasing blood sugar. All elevated sugar is used for body metabolism and extra is converted into storage fats. But at time of jogging all suagr in blood is ised up. So as the blood sugar level lows, pancreas start secreting glucagon.
It results into breakdown of glycogen stored in liver and muscles.
Q3 ans- option C is correct.liver glycogen, then muscle glycogen, then fat.
Because in fasting pancreas secrets glucagon which breaks liver glycogen first into glucose to balance glucose level of blood.
Then this blood glucose is used by muscle to increase glycogen synthesis and its metabolism.same time brain can also uses blood glucose.
If liver glycogen used up completely then muscle glycogen is break down to balance blood glucose.
If muscle glycogen is completely used up then fats are oxidised to complete the need of energy of body.
So other option are wrong.