
In: Computer Science

In C# Create classes: Person, Student, Employee, Professor, Staff and Address ☐ Address class must have...

In C#

Create classes: Person, Student, Employee, Professor, Staff and Address

  1. ☐ Address class must have suitable auto-implemented properties for Address 1, Address 2 and City.
  2. ☐ Person class must have suitable auto-implemented properties for Name, Residence (type Address) and email.
  3. ☐ Student and Employee must be subclasses of Person.
  4. ☐ Employee must be a super class for Professor and Staff.
  5. ☐ Employee class must have suitable auto-implemented properties for salary (between 2000 to 8000), and hire date.
  6. ☐ Professor class must have suitable auto-implemented properties for office hours and rank (use enum, e.g. Assist. Prof., Assoc. Prof., etc.)
  7. ☐ Staff class must have auto-implemented property for a designation (use enum, e.g. Office Assistance, Clerk, etc.)
  8. ☐ All classes must have suitable constructor(s) and making use of super class constructors as applicable.
  9. ☐ Override the ToString method in each class to return the class name and all other information in one/single line (use string interpolation and use base class ToString as applicable)

In the Main Method, create three Lists for (Student, Staff, and Professor) with hard-coded data for at least 4 entries each.

Implement the menu driven CONSOLE logic taking a user input as:

Press 1 to modify Student

Press 2 to modify Staff

Press 3 to modify Professor

Press 0 to exit program

☐modify Student Menu

Press 1 to list all students

Press 2 to add a new student

Press 3 to update …

Press 4 to delete …

Press 5 to return to main menu

☐ modify Staff Menu

Press 1 to list all Staff

Press 2 to add a new Staff

Press 3 to update …

Press 4 to delete …

Press 5 to return to main menu

☐modify Professor Menu

Press 1 to list all Professors

Press 2 to add a new Professor

Press 3 to update …

Press 4 to delete …

Press 5 to return to main menu

☐ Console application must have a hierarchy of above-shown menus and run continuously until the person quits the application

☐ To list, add, update and delete to a list one must use LINQ.


Expert Solution

using System;
namespace A {
   class Student {
      private string code = "Not Applicable";
      private string name = "not known";
      private int age = 0;
      // Declare a Code property of type string:
      public string Code {
         get {
            return code;
         set {
            code = value;
      // Declare a Name property of type string:
      public string Name {
         get {
            return name;
         set {
            name = value;
      // Declare a Age property of type int:
      public int Age {
         get {
            return age;
         set {
            age = value;
      public override string ToString() {
         return "Code = " + Code +", Name = " + Name + ", Age = " + Age;
   class ExampleDemo {
      public static void Main() {
         // Creating a new Student object:
         Student s = new Student();
         // Setting code, name and the age of the student
         s.Code = "001";
         s.Name = "Abcd";
         s.Age = 9;
         Console.WriteLine("Student Info: {0}", s);
         //let us increase age
         s.Age += 1;
         Console.WriteLine("Student Info: {0}", s);


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