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Make a report about: The effects of COVID-19 pandemic on Globalization ?

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The effects of COVID-19 pandemic on Globalization ?


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Coronavirus, which has already sent shivers across the globe and its potential impact on globalization was for months and most policymakers were caught dumbfounded when they brazenly assumed that it will contain itself to China only and will have no impact on the world trade. Now they are coming up with statements after statements on the importance to fight this global pandemic collectively. Economists and policymakers across the globe are debating if it is the temporary shock or an enduring one and if it is long-lasting disruption what repercussions will have it one the globalization?

This pandemic apart from the miseries, chaos and economic trouble has posed several challenges for what was already turning out to be a hot issue - International integration or globalization, as governments all over the world are restricting their exports, banning travel and going into the shutdown in order to contain this pandemic, it is already providing legitimacy for national restrictions and craving way for absolute protectionism.

Xenophobia is rampant and people are increasingly finding foreigners to be the cause of this virus. Ironically, Coronavirus could not restrict itself to protectionism and is becoming truly global and people who are questioning globalization for what they are witnessing today, their writ is being challenged by this virus which has proved itself mightier than any other advanced nation. It started with hatred and vitriol against Chinese people and it soon engulfed people from  Italy, Iran, Korea, and now the United States. Politicians and media houses are trying hard to label the virus as the “Chinese coronavirus' to fit their campaign against globalization and they are achieving milestones like never before.

Coronavirus crisis will also impact globalization in the form of reduced travel. Recent days we have been witness to how apps like Zoom, Hangouts and Slack have been most downloaded apps because people just do not want to take a risk which will in the years to come make most business travels irrelevant. People are placing their trust in the national governments are openly supporting protectionism policies like tariffs and other restrictions on the home products. It is not only restricted to populists or nationalists leaders but Jacinda Ardern, who is a strong proponent of the Interconnected world was quick to ban travelers from Chinese people.

Coronavirus has sent shivers to interconnectedness, multilateralism, or for that matter Globalisation. Nations are finding solace in closing their borders to contain this deadly virus which truly goes against the spirit of globalization. Globalization seeks interdependence between countries and will never sponsor these protectionist attitudes. It seeks to fight for each other rather than closing your doors or labeling it as the Chinese Virus. Globalization is dying a slow death if our current approach of fighting with this pandemic persists in the long run.

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