In: Psychology
In recent year, internet dating or online dating are widely acepted and more popular due to mainly it's easily accessible and convenience to use a world of single people who have little time to socialize , many introvert and minded people who are feel shy and not confident in real for making relarionship , provide them a link of virtual world dating and romance .There all background age , gender , colour , ethicities people are gathered to find their partner .The number of internet dating site gradually increasing and a very successful and popular Great Britain, it is estimated that around 6 million people are attached with online dating site.Resercher find out major purpose for online dating like increasing divorce rate , postpone marriage relarionship due to achieve carrier goal which indulged them in online dating .society become more rapid .people do not enough time and feel hard to maintain balance multiple role and responsibilities .so people find other way of non traditional avenue for social interaction.there is major online dating issue is fake people and have possiblity of cheating .match .com is most popular dating site.but it also helps to develop inter-personal relarionship and sometimes people also make real dating is massive platform for indulged himself in socialization process rather then confined in isolation , depression , anxity.