In: Computer Science
Using the Fermat primality test, find the number of Fermat witness and number of Fermat liars for 341 via computer programming (ex;c++).
Copyable Code
//Include the needed headers
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#define longlong long long
using namespace std;
//Method modulo()
longlong modulo(longlong base, longlong expo, longlong mod)
// Declare and initialize variables
longlong c = 1;
longlong d = base;
//Loop till the condition satisfies
while (expo > 0)
//Check condition
if (expo % 2 == 1)
c = (c * d) %
//Compute d
d = (d * d) % mod;
//Compute exponent
expo = expo / 2;
//Return value
return c % mod;
//Method Fermat()
bool Fermat(longlong p, int noOfIterations)
// Declare and initialize variables
int fLiars = 0;
int fWitness = 0;
//Check condition
if (p == 1)
return false;
//Loop through noOfIterations
for (int i = 0; i < noOfIterations; i++)
//Declare and initialize a
longlong a = rand() % (p - 1) +
//Check condition
if (modulo(a, p - 1, p) != 1)
fermat liars
fermat liar
cout << "
Number of Fermat lairs: " << fLiars;
//Increment fermat witness
//Display fermat witness
cout << " Number of Fermat witness: " <<
return true;
//Method main()
int main()
//Declare and initialize iteration
int iteration = 50;
//Declare a variable for input
longlong input;
//Prompt for input
cout << " Enter an input to test primality:
//Read input
cin >> input;
//Check condition
if (Fermat(input, iteration))
//Display result
cout << " " << input
<< " is prime" << endl;
//Display result
cout << " " << input
<< " is not prime" << endl;
getchar(); getchar();
return 0;