
In: Computer Science

The objective of this assignment is to implement the tic-tac-toe game with a C program. The...

The objective of this assignment is to implement the tic-tac-toe game with a C program.
The game is played by two players on a board defined as a 5x5 grid (array). Each board
position can contain one of two possible markers, either ‘X’ or ‘O’. The first player plays with
‘X’ while the second player plays with ‘O’. Players place their markers in an empty position of
the board in turns. The objective is to place 5 consecutive markers of the same type in a line (a
line can be any row, any column or any diagonal). The first player who manages to place 5
markers in a line wins. The game is played until one of the players wins or until the board is full
with no player having 5 markers in a line (i.e., the result of the game is a draw).


Expert Solution

For Taking Input and setting input position used alphabets as position(See Output Image)

Code: (Text File also included in End)




#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h> // Including Boolean

void fillGrid(char grid[5][5]){
   // Filling Grid
   int pos = 0;
   for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
       for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
           grid[i][j] = 'A' + pos; // Adding Alphabets for Reference
           pos += 1;

void printGrid(char grid[5][5]) { // Method for print grid
   for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
       for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
           printf("%c%s", grid[i][j], " ");

// Method for check winner
bool won(char symbol, char grid[5][5]) {
    bool diagWin = true; // Storing Status of Diagonal Win
    bool reverseDiagWin = true; // Storing Status of Reverse Diagonal Win
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // Loop For check Win

        bool rowWin = true; // Storing Status of Row Win
        bool columnWin = true; // Storing Status of ColumnWin

        for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { // Checking if row or column are same
           rowWin = rowWin && (grid[i][j] == symbol);
           columnWin = columnWin && (grid[j][i] == symbol);
        if (rowWin || columnWin) { // If Won Return True
           return true;
            // Row and Column failed, Now testing Daigonal
        diagWin = diagWin && (grid[i][i] == symbol);
        reverseDiagWin = reverseDiagWin && (grid[i][5 - i - 1] == symbol);
    if (diagWin || reverseDiagWin) { // If Won Return True
       return true;
    } else {
       return false;


bool validInput(char grid[5][5], char input) { // Checking if Input is Valid
   for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
       for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
           if(input == grid[i][j]){
               return true;
   return false;

int main() {
   char grid[5][5]; // Grid Array
   fillGrid(grid); // Fill Grid With Alphabets
   printGrid(grid); // Printing Grid

   bool turnX = true; // Storing Turn(X or O)
   int turn = 0; // Storing turn count for end game

        while (true) { // Infinite loop(play until win or game end)
           turn += 1;
            char symbol; // Symbol for turn
            if (turnX) {
               symbol = 'X';
            } else {
               symbol = 'O';
            // Taking input and storing
            printf("\n%c%s", symbol, " Poisition[A to Y] -->");

            char val;
            while(true){ // Infinity loop for correct input
               scanf("%c", &val); // Taking input
               if(val == '\n'){ // Empty Line or Enter pressed
                   continue; // continue
               }else if(validInput(grid, val)){ // Input Valid
                   break; // Break loop
               }else{ // Invalid Invalid
                   printf("%s\n", "Wrong Input, Try Again!");

            int location = val - 'A'; // Converting input into int

            int row = location / 5; // Calcualting Row
            int col = location % 5; // Calcualting Column
            grid[row][col] = symbol; // Set Value
            printGrid(grid); // Print Grid
            if (won(symbol, grid)) { // Checking If Player Won
               printf("\n%s%c\n", "Winner: ", symbol);
            if (turn == (5 * 5)) { // Checking if Game Over
               printf("\n%s\n", "Winner: None");
            turnX = !turnX; // Changing Turm
        return 0;

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