
In: Computer Science

In C# A Tic Tac Toe program that uses functions and arrays. The program should start...

In C# A Tic Tac Toe program that uses functions and arrays. The program should start by asking the player one for their name and then player two for their name. Then should print the board and ask the user what column and then what row they would like to put their x (or o, depending on the player) . Use the clear function to make it look as though the board is never repeating.. Thanks!


Expert Solution


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading;
namespace ConsoleApplication7
class Program
//making array and   
//by default I am providing 0-9 where no use of zero
static char[] arr = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9' };
static int player = 1; //By default player 1 is set
static int choice; //This holds the choice at which position user want to mark   

// The flag veriable checks who has won if it's value is 1 then some one has won the match if -1 then Match has Draw if 0 then match is still running
static int flag = 0;

static void Main(string[] args)
string PlayerOneName, PlayerTwoName;
string playAgain;
Console.Write("What is the name of player one? ");
PlayerOneName = Console.ReadLine();
Console.Write("What is the name of player two? ");
PlayerTwoName = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("\n{0}'s Symbol : X and {1}'s Symbol : O", PlayerOneName, PlayerTwoName);
Board();// calling the board Function
if (player % 2 == 0)//checking the chance of the player
Console.WriteLine("\n{0} Chance", PlayerTwoName);
Console.WriteLine("\n{0} Chance", PlayerOneName);
Console.Write("\nEnter you move from 1 to 9: ");
choice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());//Taking users choice   

// checking that position where user want to run is marked (with X or O) or not
if (arr[choice] != 'X' && arr[choice] != 'O')
if (player % 2 == 0) //if chance is of player 2 then mark O else mark X
arr[choice] = 'O';
arr[choice] = 'X';
else //If there is any possition where user want to run and that is already marked then show message and load board again
Console.WriteLine("Sorry the row {0} is already marked with {1}", choice, arr[choice]);
Console.WriteLine("Please wait 2 second board is loading again.....");
flag = CheckWin();// calling of check win
} while (flag != 1 && flag != -1);// This loof will be run until all cell of the grid is not marked with X and O or some player is not win
Board();// getting filled board again
if (flag == 1)// if flag value is 1 then some one has win or means who played marked last time which has win
if (((player % 2) + 1) == 1)
Console.WriteLine("{0} has won", PlayerOneName);
Console.WriteLine("{0} has won", PlayerTwoName);
else// if flag value is -1 the match will be draw and no one is winner
Console.WriteLine(" Game is Draw");
Console.Write("Do you want to play again? y/n: ");
playAgain = Console.ReadLine();
if (playAgain == "y" || playAgain == "Y")
Console.Clear();// whenever loop will be again start then screen will be clear
} while (playAgain != "n");
public static void clearBoard()
arr[0] = '1';
arr[1] = '2';
arr[2] = '3';
arr[3] = '4';
arr[4] = '5';
arr[5] = '6';
arr[6] = '7';
arr[7] = '8';
arr[8] = '9';
// Board method which creats board
private static void Board()
Console.WriteLine(" | | ");
Console.WriteLine(" {0} | {1} | {2}", arr[1], arr[2], arr[3]);
Console.WriteLine("_____|_____|_____ ");
Console.WriteLine(" | | ");
Console.WriteLine(" {0} | {1} | {2}", arr[4], arr[5], arr[6]);
Console.WriteLine("_____|_____|_____ ");
Console.WriteLine(" | | ");
Console.WriteLine(" {0} | {1} | {2}", arr[7], arr[8], arr[9]);
Console.WriteLine(" | | ");

//Checking that any player has won or not
private static int CheckWin()
#region Horzontal Winning Condtion
//Winning Condition For First Row   
if (arr[1] == arr[2] && arr[2] == arr[3])
return 1;
//Winning Condition For Second Row   
else if (arr[4] == arr[5] && arr[5] == arr[6])
return 1;
//Winning Condition For Third Row   
else if (arr[6] == arr[7] && arr[7] == arr[8])
return 1;

#region vertical Winning Condtion
//Winning Condition For First Column   
else if (arr[1] == arr[4] && arr[4] == arr[7])
return 1;
//Winning Condition For Second Column
else if (arr[2] == arr[5] && arr[5] == arr[8])
return 1;
//Winning Condition For Third Column
else if (arr[3] == arr[6] && arr[6] == arr[9])
return 1;

#region Diagonal Winning Condition
else if (arr[1] == arr[5] && arr[5] == arr[9])
return 1;
else if (arr[3] == arr[5] && arr[5] == arr[7])
return 1;

#region Checking For Draw
// If all the cells or values filled with X or O then any player has won the match
else if (arr[1] != '1' && arr[2] != '2' && arr[3] != '3' && arr[4] != '4' && arr[5] != '5' && arr[6] != '6' && arr[7] != '7' && arr[8] != '8' && arr[9] != '9')
return -1;

return 0;


If you have any query regarding the code please ask me in the comment i am here for help you. Please do not direct thumbs down just ask if you have any query. And if you like my work then please appreciates with up vote. Thank You.

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