
In: Operations Management

Evaluate the management of global products that are similar to those offered by Apple. Briefly discuss...

  • Evaluate the management of global products that are similar to those offered by Apple.
  • Briefly discuss the various methodologies and techniques that can be used to promote your product in the global market - specifically e-commerce and social media.


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Evaluate the management of global products that are similar to those offered by Apple.

Apple Inc, founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs,Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne ,is an American multinational company which is into designing and development and sales of consumer electronics, computer software, and on line services.

Being one of the BiG Four ,Apple’s Products are tantamount to vicissitude and sleek designs and convenient user interface makes it superior ,though it has a considerable amount of competitiors .

Considering the fact , that Apple masters in the computer systems and smartphones , the discussion below is how different apple is from its competitiors.

DELL:Founded by Micheal Dell in 1984, Dell Technologies is an american multinational company which is into computer hardware and software design,development,sales and repair . Considered to be one of theprimary competitors of Apple .They are into desktop computers and mobile computing devices though they havent ventured into Smartphones

Lenovo:Lenovo is a Chinese multinational company founded by Liu Chuanzhi,designs, develops, manufactures, and sells PCs, tablets, smartphones, workstations, servers, electronic storage devices, IT management software, and smart televisions. Lenovo competes with Apple in more than one product line .

HP:HP is an American Mutlinational company founded in 1939 by William .R Hewlett and David Packard, develops personal computers (PCs), printers and related supplies.HP Focusses on accoforable pricing of its products . With its expansive global presence,HP is considered as a firm competitor of Apple competitor outside the U.S.

Sony:Sony corp is an Japanese Multinationational Company founded by Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita in 1946. The company has a diversified business like consumer and professional electronics which comprises of Computers,Video Cameras , gaming, entertainment and financial services.With Diversified business , this brand has a wider reach among the consumers and is one of the major competitors of Apple .

ASUStek:Founded by Ted Hsu, M.T. Liao, Wayne Tsiah and T.H. Tung in 1989,is a Taiwanese multinational computer and phone hardware and electronics company.Asus Product range includes desktop computers, laptops, netbooks, mobile phones, networking equipment, monitors, WIFI routers, projectors, motherboards, graphics cards, optical storage, multimedia products, peripherals, wearables, servers, workstations, and tablet PCs.

Asus being an original equipment manufacturer gives an extra visibility to the consumers .

Samsung: Founded by Lee Byung-chul,as a trading company ,Samsung is a South Korean multinational conglomerate.With Consumer electronics being one of the affliated business ,the company is into production of air conditioners, computers, digital televisions, AMOLEDs, mobile phones, monitors, printers, refrigerators, semiconductors and telecommunications networking equipment.

Being the world’s largest mobile phone maker ,Samsung is one of the primary competitor for Apple as far as mobile phone segment is considered.

With Simple and value propositioned promotions ,Apple has kept intact its strong consumer base amidst all the competitors .

· Briefly discuss the various methodologies and techniques that can be used to promote your product in the global market - specifically e-commerce and social media.

Promotion is one of the element of Marketing mix, which has its focus on

1.Create an awareness of the product

2.Increase the demand of the product.

3.Diffrentiate the product from its competitor.

Typically,promotional strategies differ in contigence with the the individual business or product

The stratergies that can be used in ecommerce or social media promotion are as follows

1.Brand Management



4.Bookmark promotion

5.Influencer Campaign

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