In: Operations Management
What is the order of evolution of organizational structure? international business
Organizational structure as the set of formal arrangements that
determine how tasks are carried out within an organization. These
arrangements usually take two forms:-
1. groups or units, which are formed around highly interdependent
activities, knowledge sets, or strategic points of focus, and
2. linkages or ties, which connect units in different ways and
establish how the organization’s workflow will progress.
Structure sets the rules of the game in terms of roles,
accountability, and authority within an organization: it specifies
who does what and who reports to whom so that the organization can
operate in a coordinated fashion. More subtly, structure provides a
context for communication and knowledge generation and transfer. By
grouping and linking people together, structure sets the stage for
learning to take place, which can offer a competitive advantage
when learning processes and outcomes are difficult to imitate by
competitors. Even more fundamentally, however, organizational
structure is conducive to identity formation. Individuals identify
at different levels with their role in an organization, with their
broader community of practice, with the unit in which they are
embedded, and with the organization to which they belong.The sheer
number of contingencies organizations face make such a proposition
virtually impossible to sustain: global competition, disruptive
technologies, shorter product life cycles, and more sophisticated
and knowledgeable customers are just some of the factors
organizations deal with today. Add to this the fact that key
processes such as innovation are happening across organizational
boundaries, with organizations aggregating input from myriad
contributors through global communications networks. Structure will
no longer be a set of constricting formal arrangements but a
valuable cognitive tool to guide individuals and organizations
toward multiple goals
International Organizational Structures:
against acceptancert Department.
2.International division structures
3.Global Organizational Structures
4.Evolution of Global Organizational Structures.
The Companies with emphasis on global business strategies move
towards global product structures whereas those with emphasis on
location base strategies move towards global geographic
Evolution of global organizational structure .