
In: Computer Science

#Create a class called FrapOrder. FrapOrder should #have two attributes (instance variables): size and #extra_shots. Make...

#Create a class called FrapOrder. FrapOrder should
#have two attributes (instance variables): size and
#extra_shots. Make sure the variable names match those
#words. size will be a character, either "S", "M", or "L".
#extra_shots will be an integer.
#FrapOrder should have a constructor with two required
#parameters, one for each of those attributes (size and
#extra_shots, in that order).
#FrapOrder should also have a method called get_total.
#get_total should calculate the total cost of the order.
#If size is "S", the base cost is 2.50. If the size is "M",
#the base cost is 3.50. If the size is "L", the base cost is
#4.50. Then, each extra shot costs $0.35.
#For example, if size is "M" and extra_shots is 2, then
#get_total would return 4.2: 3.50 + 0.70 = 4.20 (and Python
#drops trailing 0s).
#total should NOT be an attribute of the class; instead,
#total should be calculated and returned live when the method
#get_total is called.
#The get_total method should have NO parameters besides self.
#Instead, it should calculate the total based on the current
#values for the size and extra_shots attributes.

#Write your class here!

#The code below will test your function. If it works, it
#should print "M" (without the quotes), 2, and 4.2 in that
test_order = FrapOrder("M", 2)


Expert Solution

# Create a class called FrapOrder. FrapOrder should
# have two attributes (instance variables): size and
# extra_shots. Make sure the variable names match those
# words. size will be a character, either "S", "M", or "L".
# extra_shots will be an integer.
# FrapOrder should have a constructor with two required
# parameters, one for each of those attributes (size and
# extra_shots, in that order).
# FrapOrder should also have a method called get_total.
# get_total should calculate the total cost of the order.
# If size is "S", the base cost is 2.50. If the size is "M",
# the base cost is 3.50. If the size is "L", the base cost is
# 4.50. Then, each extra shot costs $0.35.
# For example, if size is "M" and extra_shots is 2, then
# get_total would return 4.2: 3.50 + 0.70 = 4.20 (and Python
# drops trailing 0s).
# total should NOT be an attribute of the class; instead,
# total should be calculated and returned live when the method
# get_total is called.
# The get_total method should have NO parameters besides self.
# Instead, it should calculate the total based on the current
# values for the size and extra_shots attributes.

class FrapOrder:
    def __init__(self, size, extra_shots):
        self.size = size
        self.extra_shots = extra_shots

    def get_total(self):
        cost = self.extra_shots * 0.35
        if self.size == 'S':
            cost += 2.50
        elif self.size == 'M':
            cost += 3.50
        elif self.size == 'L':
            cost += 4.50
        return cost

# The code below will test your function. If it works, it
# should print "M" (without the quotes), 2, and 4.2 in that
# order.
test_order = FrapOrder("M", 2)

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