
In: Computer Science

What is research in modern day, and tell me the meaning of about bottoms-up vs. top...

What is research in modern day, and tell me the meaning of about bottoms-up vs. top down in any research and also explain difference between theory verification vs. theory generation in that research. Which theory is best for that research?. The type of research you will perform, but also the size or scope of what you plan to research.

While you may start with an ocean-sized problem, you must continue to focus your intended research to a drop-sized problem for your Dissertation.

For example any industrial issues like technique improvement and A concept problem

Please provide you explanation for above Discussion in 300 words


Expert Solution


Modern research is a way of increasing information or knowledge about a certain topic in a systematic way. It deals with gathering data, organizing it, and then analysis of it to improve the understanding of the issue at hand. The work can also be an expansion on some work from the past.

Bottom up approach in research:

In this type of research, the process begins by casual factors. The cognition deals with trying to understand the functionality of development about the topic. In these types of approaches, logic is not used and explanatory interactions are used in the world and between different agents.

Top down approach in reserach:

In this approach, comprehensive factors are also considered. It deals with trying to get the big picture and then breaking it into small components.

Theory verification vs theory generation:

Theory verification deals with verifying the state of affairs to make sure that sentences are observable and true. Unlike falsification it deals with the truthness of the theory. It offers more clarity and validity.

On the other hand, theory generation deals with different categories where evidence of various properties in those categories are used along with different patterns.


Consider an example where a bottom up approach in research is used for theory generation. It helps in forming a complete system by breaking and then bringing together different data units. Base units are also observed and analysed. After the observation, these are integrated into a bigger system.

It can be used for applications dealing with tissue specific issues. For example constructing human liver by testing its different elements and different conditions. If there is greater knowledge of optimal conditions, detailed functions can be formed. A bottom up approach will allow the function assessment. This method of integrating data chunks to fit a whole system can have implications necessary for the simulation and modeling.

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