In: Biology
The basic Sanger sequencing method is a DNA sequencing done by the incorporation of selective chain-terminating ddNTPs by DNA polymerase. 4 reactions are needed to set for 4 different ddNTPs. After the DNA extension, the samples are run on the gel and observe under UV for sequencing.
But in Automated, high throughput DNA sequencing, the dye-labeled primers and ddNTPs are used for better sequencing. In dye-terminator sequencing only the terminator ddNTPs are dye-labeled.
The dye-terminator sequencing is very convenient as it requires only a single reaction and there is no need for labeled primer also. Here only the sequence of DNA having labeled terminator is detected. The dye-terminator sequencing method, along with automated high-throughput DNA sequence analyzers, was used for the vast majority of sequencing projects until the introduction of Next Generation Sequencing.