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This chapter and assignment further explore standards for interoperability. The HIMSS definition of interoperability states, “The...

This chapter and assignment further explore standards for interoperability. The HIMSS definition of interoperability states, “The ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged.” HIM professionals often are the subject matter experts when a question about standards arises and need to help guide the IT analysts and workers at their organization. An example from a recent conference I attended: “The IT professionals will say, we can make that happen, but it is the HIM professionals that have to caution them to slow down and think through the consequences, i.e., explain to the IT professionals why it may not be logical or practical to proceed.”


Please answer the following questions on the discussion board and then respond to two of your classmates’ postings. Responses should be approximately 250 words for this assignment. A rubric is included for guidance on all discussion board postings. NOTE In order to see the postings your classmates have made, you must first post your response.

  1. Identify what standards and regulations must be considered when promoting interoperability (organization-to-organization versus a merger and acquisition).
  2. Are there some standards that are imperative? Are there some that are priorities over others?
  3. Are there any standards are that are not necessary?


Expert Solution


  • The principles and guidelines which must be viewed as when advancing between operability are given as follows
  • HL7's Fast Healthcare Inter-operability Resources (FHIR) standard : This standard was drafted with a target of giving the benefit to patients to associate any use of their decision to their general well-being information
  • Worldwide Organization for Standardization Technical Committee 215 : This standard encourages the utilization of well-being information crosswise over different frameworks
  • Incorporating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) : This standard lays the terms and conditions for incorporating PC framework in medicinal services association
  • The guidelines are very basic as they will encourage the between operability of well-being information crosswise over frameworks.
  • Every one of the models are similar and can't be organized more than each other. In any case, FHIR is the most famous standard and has been grasped by different social insurance suppliers.
  • In my perspectives, every one of the gauges are very significant as each depends on a particular factor advancing between operability.
  • On the off chance that both of them gets disposed of, at that point a central point influencing between operability gets hampered. Henceforth every one of the measures must be kept up.

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