
In: Operations Management

WG is one of the world’s leading makers of mobile phones, with market share of approximately...

WG is one of the world’s leading makers of mobile phones, with market share of approximately 20%.Unlike any of its major competitors, it is based in Narnia, a high-cost, developed country. Narnia has very limited natural resources, but has developed significant expertise over the decades in high-end precision engineering and efficient use of materials. WG is quoted on the Narnian stock exchange, where it is the largest company by market capitalisation. It has a wide shareholder base including most Narnian

institutional investors and private individuals. Its largest three shareholders are institutions who each own around 2% of the company.WG was founded in the 1960s to make telephone equipment and in the 1990s managers made a strategic decision to focus on the then-tiny mobile phone market. This was partly attributable to the Narnian government being among the first to fully deregulate their telecoms market, which lead to lower call costs. Narnia and its neighbouring countries are also fairly rural, and its populations were enthusiastic early adopters of mobile phones. WG was given a particular boost in 1995 when the transmission standard they had pioneered was adopted as the basis for calls by the government in Narnia and many other governments around the world.

Serving a rapidly growing market, WG quickly gained economies of scale that allowed cheaper production than competitors emerging later. WG then exploited these to open up export markets all over the world,enhancing their advantage further.

Unlike many of its competitors, who subcontract their manufacturing to others, WG assembles most of its own handsets. Its factories are mostly in Narnia, where it benefits from the highly educated population and the presence of high-quality local suppliers to carry out increasingly high-tech manufacturing processes. Narnia has very good communication links, which helps suppliers to deliver rapidly.

Technology is advancing all the time and WG regularly launches new, more sophisticated devices, most recently a suite of smartphones. However, the fastest-growing demand is for cheaper, basic models which just carry out voice calls and text messaging. This demand is driven by users in developing countries, who are concerned to keep costs down, but also want the status of using a well-known brand such as WG. WG has invested significant resources in building up a local sales presence in these markets, which allows it to spot trends and produce phones tailored to local tastes and languages.

Competition in the industry is intense, and has become more so due to a recent global economic downturn. The Narnian government has also announced new anti-pollution measures that will result in large-scale manufacturers having to pay more than previously to dispose of their waste products. Shortly afterwards, WG announced that they will increase the proportion of handsets manufactured in lower-cost countries from 15% to 40% over the next three years. Component manufacturers announced plans to follow them to the new locations. This will involve cutting over 1,000 jobs in Narnia. A spokesman for the

Narnian government called the decision “disappointing”. A trade union official said,

“WG has increasingly been putting pressure on its suppliers to lower costs and respond more quickly to market fluctuations. This has made it unprofitable for them to operate in Narnia and lead to decisions like this”.

Required: (a) Analyse WG’s environment using two appropriate models SWOT , 5 forces of Porter

(b) Discuss the main stakeholders in WG and how management could try to retain their support as it seeks to reduce costs.


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WG was established in the 1960s and is spearheaded in making the telephones as indicated by the requirements and the demands of the market in a customized manner. WG's business expanded quickly when the transmission standard they had pioneered was adopted as the basis for calls by the government in Narnia and many other governments around the world.

So as to expand its market share, WG has received the model of economies of scale where it fabricated a large number of items to serve a large market over the globe as it has started sending out its item to numerous clients of a few nations and the many governments around the world. This has prompted the decrease in the general expense of making the item and thus registering a huge amount of profit.

WG began the creation of sophisticated Smartphone yet, in several markets, the interest for the basic telephone which is utilized uniquely for making the calls and text messages has been expanded and keeping this interest of the clients in to consideration WG fabricate the custom-made items and this has been accomplished by WG through its local presence in the different markets of the world.

WG has likewise utilized the outsourcing model as one of its tools in procuring the increasingly more piece of the overall industry. Rather than outsourcing the requirements of the parts required for the assembly of its last item, WG has adopted 'to make' model, where it fabricates the basic component required for the creation of the telephone in its own office.

Since the Narnia government has declared the expansion in the expense for removal of waste emerging out of the assembling activities, WG has reported that they will build their creation from 15% to 40% in those nations which are least costly.


The primary partners of WG are the government of Narnia, the Government of different nations where WG is having its local presence and the component manufacturers.

The government of Narnia has reported the arrangement of expanding the expense for discarding the misuse of the large manufacturing units as a measure of its anti-pollution system.

Presently there are two choices left with the administration of WG. Either to communicate with the administration of Narnia about the side effects of its strategy that if the expense of discarding the waste would be expanded and in the event that it comes out to be bigger when contrasted with the expense of assembling the item in the lower cost proficient nations than the WG needs to build the assembling of its item in those nations and this would affect the economy of the Narnia where 1000 Labor employments will be affected and the segment maker will likewise move to the cost-productive nations. The administration can assure the government of Narnia about the decrease in the accumulation of waste and its proper removal by the organization.

In any case the administration of the WG needs to expand its creation in the cost proficient nations so as keep the economies of scale and profits and the market share in place by getting the help from the governments of other cost effective nations and the component makers of Narnia and different nations.


(a) The most valuable models to use in analyzing WG's environment are PESTEL and Porter's

Diamond stone and. PESTEL Analysis

-> Political factors

Governments are dynamic in the cell phone market in numerous regards and the situation refers to the principles embraced as the reason for calls. The way that administrations around the globe embraced the standard utilized by WG in 1995 has been the main consideration of helping them.

-> Economic factors

Cell phones are luxury goods and accordingly influenced by the economic cycle. Specifically, the current economic downturn is reducing interest, which means lower incomes and more intense competiton..

-> Social facotrs

Acquisition of telephones will be impacted by tastes and this appears to work furthering WG's potential benefit. It is seen as a notable brand which people need to utilize.

-> Technology factors

Enterprises, for example, these are strongly affected by innovation, which can prompt quick changes in items and changing production processes – there is evidence of both of these in the situation

-> Environmental factors

The administration in Narnia has as of late reported new anti-pollution measures, which reflect developing awareness of environmental issues. This has had the impact of expanding WG's expenses and might be one factor behind them moving production abroad.

-> Legal factors

WG has been helped by the deregulation of the telecoms advertise, which has brought about lower call costs in their home market. This energized development at a significant point in the business' improvement

-> Porter Diamond

Porter’s Diamond investigations explicit areas (especially nations) as a factor in competitive advantage. Specifically, it is examined under four headings.

-> Factor conditions

These are the assets the nation has, regardless of whether fundamental (for example regular assets, untalented work) or advanced (for example communication, education, inquire about capacity).

Narnia has various factor conditions that are great for WG, remembering skill for high end precision designing and an exceptionally educated population, the two of which help to give a successful work power. It likewise has great correspondence links, which makes working the supply chain easier.

-> Demand conditions

High and advanced interest for an organization's item in its home of origin will empower it to gain scale and its ability in serving a requesting home market will prepare it well to complete abroad.

Narnia has appeal for cell phones, which is driven partly by being a rural nation, so cell phones give a decent method to keep in contact. Serving this market gave WG a quickly advantage.

-> Related and supporting enterprises

WG profits by a system of high-quality providers, who likely additionally advantage from Narnia's good education system and skill in engineering.

-> Firm structure, system, and contention

Firms can now and again advantage from the nearness of strong contender firms. The opposition guarantees that they are proficient and can contend with firms from different nations effectively.

There is no proof of any strong local rivalry, with every single significant contender being abroad and WG being the biggest organization in its home country.

Note: Credit should to likewise be given for an examination utilizing Porter's Five forces


-> Key stakeholders

Stakeholders can be analyzed utilizing Mendelow's power interest framework. This investigations stakeholder into high or low force and interest. The executives would then be able to concentrate on the more noteworthy partners, particularly those with high force and interest.

-> Government

The government can be viewed as a high-interest partner because of WG's significance to the Narnian economy. As the biggest organization on the stock exchange, WG is probably a significant source of expense income and of employment and the government will wish to keep up these. They will likewise have an interest in the organization in its ability as a controller of the telecoms market.

The administration's capacity to adjust laws and guidelines likewise make it a powerful partner, despite the fact that its capacity is constrained by WG's capacity to move creation somewhere else on the planet on the off chance that they see an advantage in doing as such.

Given that the greater part of WG's tasks will even now be in Narnia, they ought to commit some push to console the administration of their responsibility to the nation and effectively dealing with the relationship.

-> Employees

The workers will be high enthusiasm, as their employments depends on the organization's choices. Their power as people will be extremely constrained, especially for the representatives situated in Narnia. At once when WG is eliminating positions, they won't have a lot of bargaining power, and apparently WG has the choice to move much more creation or abroad or even move to another nation by and large. Then again, WG won't have any desire to distance its workforce too severely as low assurance may well away profitability and the presentation of the organization. They can attempt to lessen the effect of the work misfortunes by paying liberal excess expenses and giving consolations quite far for the rest of the workers, just as imparting the purposes behind the choice and advantages to the organization all in all.

-> Suppliers

WG overwhelms their home market and as such it is probably going to be a significant client for some suppliers. This will make them high interest yet low force. There is additional proof of this in the actuality that they appear to be following WG to the new areas where it will work.

It is particularly to WG's greatest advantage to tell their providers however much as could reasonably be expected about what they are doing as they do rely intently upon having a solid system of providers. Correspondence will additionally make it simpler for the providers to migrate to the new areas, which will be a huge advantage to WG.

-> Shareholders

WG's shareholders will have variable interest, contingent upon how huge their holding in WG is as a extent of their complete possessions. For most institutional financial specialists, it is probably going to be a serious low extent and in this way they will be sensibly low intrigue. As none of them own a significant extent of WG, they will be genuinely low force exclusively, despite the fact that on the off chance that they combined to apply pressure on a specific issue, they could have exceptionally high force, including the capacity to supplant the Board.

The investors will, for the most part, be worried about the degree of come back from their offers so are likely to be strong of the move on the off chance that it is probably going to expand the organization's gainfulness.

-> Customers

WG's customers can be separated into two classifications – retailers who they sell legitimately to and the end-client customers who purchase their item. Given WG's scale, even the retailers are probably going to be a generally low force, and individual customers will be low force, as they can't impact WG. Be that as it may, retailers might be high intrigue if WG items represent a significant extent of their deals. End clients might be high intrigue on the off chance that they have brand faithfulness to WG, and there is a few proofs of this.

In any case, most clients will be unconcerned with the movement of WG's assembling as they will concentrate on the item itself as opposed to where it is made. The main special case may be clients in Narnia itself. It is conceivable that their move will be viewed as traitorous, and could diminish brand steadfastness what's more, residential deals. WG could attempt to check this by exposure which focuses on their proceeding

Narnian roots.

Note: Credit should also be given for the examination of other important stakeholders.

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