
In: Computer Science

I am given this starter code and I am suppose to debug it and all of...

I am given this starter code and I am suppose to debug it and all of that and it will not work after I change ">" to "<=" and then i'm not sure after that what else I have to do. Could someone help me solve this?

// Start with a penny
// double it every day
// how much do you have in a 30-day month?
public class DebugSix1
   public static void main(String args[])
      final int DAYS = 30;
      double money = 0.01;
      int day = 1;
      while(day > DAYS);
         money = 2 * money;
         System.out.println("After day " + day +
            " you have " + moneyAmt);

That is the starter code. This is with the Java Programming 9th edition by Joyce Farrel and the other tutorials i have found do not show it with this starter code so I am confused.


Expert Solution

// Start with a penny
// double it every day
// how much do you have in a 30-day month?
public class DebugSix1 {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        final int DAYS = 30;
        double money = 0.01;
        int day = 1;
        while (day <= DAYS)
            money = 2 * money;
            System.out.println("After day " + day + " you have " + money);

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