There are some ways actions need to be taken to introduce
diversity in our team rather than iignoring it and encourage to
interect, work effectively with Men and women, phisically
challenges, lgbt,race , regionalism and different culture.
- introduce
competitiveness among team members: it is clearly known that
the more diversity in team like talented women , minorities etc
will represent the demographic market with their innovative ideas,
designs ansd services and give success to the team by introduce the
cometitive advantage with regards to other team.
- Introduce the
diversities to the globalisation: giving chance to the team
member to work in other country or international market with
different culure, customes, social , legal and linguistic
- Awareness
programmes: Undersand the team members to aware their
attitude, biases or stereotypes and make them learn about the
diversity celebrating.
- Gender diversity: Men and women can team up and use appropriate
relationship in their worklace. by this they learn about the
perceived differences between them and avoid the negative