
In: Operations Management

beyond the protected categories, in what other ways for employees differ in the workforce? to what...

beyond the protected categories, in what other ways for employees differ in the workforce? to what extent should employers recognize and manage to those differences (the way they do with the protected categories)?


Expert Solution

Employees may differ in following aspects,

1) Skills necessary to perform jobs

2) Committment towards organization

3) Rebellious

4) Leadership skills

5) Innovative in nature

6) Loyal one

7) one who may be spreading bad news about organization

To deal with these HR managers should maintain proper records of employees having above insights and features . People having Rebellious nature should be offered counseling and short term behavioural training. It will modified their behavior.  

These categories must be regularly watch and their work progress reports should be closely monitored. Employees having potential leadership skills should be offered higher level training and development so that succession can be done with available talent pool from within the organization itself.

Loyal employees who are working from many years must be given proper gratuity, rewards and recognition. It motivates them a lot.

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