In: Operations Management
Advantages of Inside sales:
· The inside sales have few incurred costs like traveling or lodging. Again, the inside sales need only a medium like a computer to do its job.
· The inside sales have a more efficient sales cycle. It’s been shown that the inside sales spend 13% more time in the office than outside salespeople since it’s based on software and such services.
Advantages of Outside sales:
· The outside sales have a more person to person interaction that helps to retain the consumers. So a strong and long-lasting consumer relation is got in the process.
· The outside sales have higher conversion rates over the inside sales team.
Disadvantages of Inside sales:
· The people in such cases are very limited to the resources that they have and thus the opportunity of diversification is limited.
· The inside sales can’t build a strong connection with the clients due to their in-house jobs that have no or very fewer consumer interactions.
Disadvantages of outside sales
· The outside sales have a cost involved in its travel so the expenses are high.
· In times of distress, the outside sales are the first to be laid off by the business.