
In: Electrical Engineering

Project Summary A company asks you to design a controller for a basketball machine that will...

Project Summary

A company asks you to design a controller for a basketball machine that will indicate that a
player has won a game if they get a total of 3 points. There are two sensors in this machine. One
in the backboard and on the inside of the orange rim. If a player shoots a shot and the ball hits the
backboard and the ball goes through the rim, then the play will gain 1 point. If the player shoots
the ball and it doesn't hit the backboard and the ball just goes through the rim, then the play will
gain 2 points. If the player hits the backboard and the ball does not go through the rim, then the
player will lose 1 point. The total score can only go down to zero and cannot become negative. If
the ball does not go through the rim or hit backboard, then it will count as a no shot and nothing
will happen. Once the player scores three points, the game ends, and a light will indicate that the
player has won.

• You need to design TWO finite-state synchronous machines so that the company can
pick one that appears more suitable. However, you should pick your favorite and come up
with convincing arguments why you favor one design over the other. You, for example,
can build a Moore design and a Mealy design and compare them. You should use D flip
flops for your designs. Mixing different types of flip flops with different trigger edge
sensitivity is possible but not recommended. Note that two designs which differ by only
the type of flip flop (e.g., J-K vs. D) or number of states (i.e., changing the type of FF or
inserting more unnecessary states) is not considered conceptually different.


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