
In: Operations Management

What do you understand by closed-loop marketing, and how might this be better applied in an...

What do you understand by closed-loop marketing, and how might this be better applied in an organization with which you are familiar?


Expert Solution

Closed-loop marketing is the loop where marketing is dependent on customer-related data. It helps to understand the customer & also help to use that information to help market & brand in a refreshed & better manner.

In such a case the customer behaviour, feedback, sales & marketing all worked together in a closed-loop.

  • It is highly effective and efficient to collect and analyse the customer data from the various channel and using the information to create target content for market groups.
  • It also helps to get all the relevant information about customer preferences & helps to adjust and plan the marketing strategy which is relevant in the current environment context.

Here is how it might be better applied in an organisation which I am familiar with:

  • We need to involve multiple department and sales channels to get reliable information.
  • We need to include data sets from varied and diverse audiences to identify common trends & have a better understanding of the market.
  • The communication process should be based on historical customer actions & information.
  • It is important to keep the analysis of data ongoing and should ideally be done after every marketing communication.
  • Specific actions or data points much also be at the centre of triggering communications across channels.


It is important to understand the inbound and users data & traffic on the organisation platform. The website or the app is a critical aspect of any business & is a primary point for customers reaching the organisation. It helps to plan the campaigns in a better manner.


Once that is analysed it is important to optimise the content & track how the customers or potential customers are finding the website/app or any other platform.


As the next steps of understanding traffic origin, campaigns it is important to track the customer behaviours. The firm must deploy resources to monitor and analyse the clicks & choices customers are marking online. It helps to create pathways to understand the customers and plan the online sales experience and brand communication accordingly.


As the last aspect, the firm should check the leads generated and the source being online or direct. This will help the marketing to behave more time and money resources towards that right source pushing the campaign forward. CRM & CMS programs integrated can help automate such tasks & bring efficiency to the system.


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