
In: Psychology

Consider a specific job within the criminal justice system. What characteristics of that job are sources...

Consider a specific job within the criminal justice system. What characteristics of that job are sources of motivation, and what characteristics may lead to dissatisfaction or burnout? How would you redesign the job to emphasize the first set of characteristics and deemphasize the others? Do you think others would agree, or are there important individual differences to take into account?


Expert Solution

There are many jobs that are available in the criminal justice system. Some of these jobs include court staff, court reporters or stenographers, district attorneys, public defenders, lawyers, judges’ etc.However; I am going to discuss the Job of Stenographer in this instant case.

Basically the Job of a Stenographer is to take the note of the proceedings of the Criminal Court Session(s), type them appropriately and keeping the proper records. The primary source of motivation for being a Stenographer is the inspiration of making a difference in the justice system. The careful and detailed notes that a stenographer makes are vital to the proceedings of the court and the proper administration of justice. The job of Stenographers are vital and significant as far as the fair trial or administration of Justice is concerned. The responsibilities of a stenographer are tremendous and it is an honourable duty and task to have.

On the other hand, there are certain characteristics of the job which can lead to dissatisfaction or burnout. First,the Unpleasant information contained in the proceedings of the criminal cases. During the trial of cases a stenographer must listen to negative information or information which are not pleasant. Moreover, the environment in which a Stenographer works is not a healthier work environment. He have to come in contact with people of varied categories like criminals, murderers etc. which may make him uncomfortable to work. Moreover such negative environments and working conditions can deprive him of the positive elements of life and he will begin to think that everyone surrounds him is a criminal. So these characteristics of the Job   may lead to Job Dissatisfaction or Job Burn out.

Redesigning the Job

Stenographers are law-abiding people and this is why they have received the privilege of working in the court system. In future, with the help technology, a stenographer should be able to work in their comfort zones. In Other words with the help of technology virtual courtrooms can be established and the Stenographers can take the notes of the Criminal case proceedings without actually present in the court. This will make them more comfortable, energetic and enthusiastic. They can also avail to work from their home where they can listen to the court proceedings from a special computer and dispatch their recordings and notes to the Attorney General’s office. In this manner they can work in friendly environment without going to negative work environment.

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