
In: Psychology

Describe the state constitutions that were more democratic and those that were less so. What effect...

Describe the state constitutions that were more democratic and those that were less so. What effect would these different constitutions have upon those states? Who could participate in government, whereby voting or by holding public office? Whose interests were represented, and whose were compromised?


Expert Solution

State constitutions were divided among the different regions of the United States of America and were proposed to be under the ruling of the federal government. This plan was backed by controversies as the basis of the freedom of the American people should be emphasized with justification. In 1786, James Madison proposed to introduce bills and laws for the benefit of the people who were plagued by crisis in the society. A state wise convention was held in 1876 in Annapolis, Maryland and invitation was sent to thirteen states but only five states attended the conference. A second convention was held in 1787 in Philadelphia as proposed by Hamilton where all the states agreed to attend the conference except the state of rhode island which denied to attend the conference. The confederation agreed to put forward the convention as a national constitutional law except two delegates who did not agree like Robert Yates and John lansing. Virginia plan with amendments was proposed to overcome the problems pending with the rulings of the legislature council. It introduced by bicameral council with two levels the upper house and the lower house. The executive and judicial branch was introduced for the running of the state governments over the various regions of USA. The law of abolition of slavery was proposed by the Virginia council. The various other rulings include the power to regulate the commerce, raise revenue through taxes on the imports, and amendment of rules of the constitution. The governor of New York named Gouverneur Morris abolished slavery. In 1775, state continental congress agreed to impose and collect taxes from the people on behalf of the soldiers going to war and the revenue was meant to be deposited in the government Congress account. The slaves accounted for 3/5th of the population of the white people according to the USA constitution law amendment rules. The electoral college with the President was appointed for the ruling of the government with specific rules and policies.Federalists and anti-federalists represented the two groups in the legislative government council. The ant-federalist included Melancton Smith and the feferalist include Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison. The meetings called by the legislative council was a result of the Shays rebellion. Th ruling includes the setting of laws for the proper running of the government with provision of civin amenities for the common people in the society.

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