In: Computer Science
Python Language:
In the CIS 41A version of Battleship, the user tries to find the computer's battleship that has been randomly put on a grid of rows and columns (the game board). Here is how the game is played:
The program has 2 constants: MIN which is set to 2, and MAX which is set to 4
and the program has 4 functions:
- if the user successfully guessed the locations: print the board with an 'X' at the correct location, and print the number of trie
Important notes (don't miss them in your code):
-- A docstring (not a comment) for each function, except for the main function
from random import randint import os #Ship Class class Ship: def __init__(self, size, orientation, location): self.size = size if orientation == 'horizontal' or orientation == 'vertical': self.orientation = orientation else: raise ValueError("Value must be 'horizontal' or 'vertical'.") if orientation == 'horizontal': if location['row'] in range(row_size): self.coordinates = [] for index in range(size): if location['col'] + index in range(col_size): self.coordinates.append({'row': location['row'], 'col': location['col'] + index}) else: raise IndexError("Column is out of range.") else: raise IndexError("Row is out of range.") elif orientation == 'vertical': if location['col'] in range(col_size): self.coordinates = [] for index in range(size): if location['row'] + index in range(row_size): self.coordinates.append({'row': location['row'] + index, 'col': location['col']}) else: raise IndexError("Row is out of range.") else: raise IndexError("Column is out of range.") if self.filled(): print_board(board) print(" ".join(str(coords) for coords in self.coordinates)) raise IndexError("A ship already occupies that space.") else: self.fillBoard() def filled(self): for coords in self.coordinates: if board[coords['row']][coords['col']] == 1: return True return False def fillBoard(self): for coords in self.coordinates: board[coords['row']][coords['col']] = 1 def contains(self, location): for coords in self.coordinates: if coords == location: return True return False def destroyed(self): for coords in self.coordinates: if board_display[coords['row']][coords['col']] == 'O': return False elif board_display[coords['row']][coords['col']] == '*': raise RuntimeError("Board display inaccurate") return True #Settings Variables row_size = 9 #number of rows col_size = 9 #number of columns num_ships = 4 max_ship_size = 5 min_ship_size = 2 num_turns = 40 #Create lists ship_list = [] board = [[0] * col_size for x in range(row_size)] board_display = [["O"] * col_size for x in range(row_size)] #Functions def print_board(board_array): print("\n " + " ".join(str(x) for x in range(1, col_size + 1))) for r in range(row_size): print(str(r + 1) + " " + " ".join(str(c) for c in board_array[r])) print() def search_locations(size, orientation): locations = [] if orientation != 'horizontal' and orientation != 'vertical': raise ValueError("Orientation must have a value of either 'horizontal' or 'vertical'.") if orientation == 'horizontal': if size <= col_size: for r in range(row_size): for c in range(col_size - size + 1): if 1 not in board[r][c:c+size]: locations.append({'row': r, 'col': c}) elif orientation == 'vertical': if size <= row_size: for c in range(col_size): for r in range(row_size - size + 1): if 1 not in [board[i][c] for i in range(r, r+size)]: locations.append({'row': r, 'col': c}) if not locations: return 'None' else: return locations def random_location(): size = randint(min_ship_size, max_ship_size) orientation = 'horizontal' if randint(0, 1) == 0 else 'vertical' locations = search_locations(size, orientation) if locations == 'None': return 'None' else: return {'location': locations[randint(0, len(locations) - 1)], 'size': size,\ 'orientation': orientation} def get_row(): while True: try: guess = int(input("Row Guess: ")) if guess in range(1, row_size + 1): return guess - 1 else: print("\nOops, that's not even in the ocean.") except ValueError: print("\nPlease enter a number") def get_col(): while True: try: guess = int(input("Column Guess: ")) if guess in range(1, col_size + 1): return guess - 1 else: print("\nOops, that's not even in the ocean.") except ValueError: print("\nPlease enter a number") # Create the ships temp = 0 while temp < num_ships: ship_info = random_location() if ship_info == 'None': continue else: ship_list.append(Ship(ship_info['size'], ship_info['orientation'], ship_info['location'])) temp += 1 del temp # Play Game os.system('clear') print_board(board_display) for turn in range(num_turns): print("Turn:", turn + 1, "of", num_turns) print("Ships left:", len(ship_list)) print() guess_coords = {} while True: guess_coords['row'] = get_row() guess_coords['col'] = get_col() if board_display[guess_coords['row']][guess_coords['col']] == 'X' or \ board_display[guess_coords['row']][guess_coords['col']] == '*': print("\nYou guessed that one already.") else: break os.system('clear') ship_hit = False for ship in ship_list: if ship.contains(guess_coords): print("Hit!") ship_hit = True board_display[guess_coords['row']][guess_coords['col']] = 'X' if ship.destroyed(): print("Ship Destroyed!") ship_list.remove(ship) break if not ship_hit: board_display[guess_coords['row']][guess_coords['col']] = '*' print("You missed!") print_board(board_display) if not ship_list: break # End Game if ship_list: print("You lose!") else: print("All the ships are sunk. You win!")