Description of the project:
- The coffee shop is seeking for a startup funding amount three
to four lacks to purchase furniture,fixtures etc.
- The project is related to open a coffee shopwithin the city
- The main focus of the project to provide high quality coffee,
breakfast at reasonable prices.
- Our drinks will include juice,teas,and other special
- The shop will operate in an 1800-1900 square foot
- The coffee shop must be located nearby a shopping mall.
Specific Constraints: The constraints realted to coffee
shop project are explained below:
1. Funding:
- The funding is the main constraint in coffee shop project.
- Before starting the project we need to decide from where we
collect the fund.
- The funds can be collected through three modes:
- Equity
- Borrowing
- Other sources
- Equity means we can invest own capital to start coffee shop
- Borrowing refers that we can borrow funds from bank, financial
institutions etc.
- Other sources refers to take funds from friends, relatives
2. Planning:
- Before strating any project proper palnning is required.
- Planning includes organizational structure ,desiging of the
coffee shop etc.
3. Lot size:
- Lot size in required for opening coffee shop.
- The lot size may resrtict future expansions.
4. Location:
- The location is the main constraint in the project of coffee
- The cofee shop should be located at such place where customer
can easily reach.
5. Licensing:
- Licensing is very essential for starup any projrct or
- The state and contry business licensing is important.
6. Recycling:
- The recycling and waste reduction is also very important.
- For any project recycling and waste reduction procedure and
techniques are needed.
7. Regulations:
- We have to study the codes and regulation of the particular
area where the shop is going to established.
- If we can not study regulations of area properly it will become
a big constraint.
Successful factors For Coffee Shop: For the success of
coffee shop their many factors which are given below:
1. Good Quality Food:
- The coffee shop should provide good quality food to the
- The meals should be hygine and homemade.
2. Operations:
- The business should operating all days of the week
- .The menu should be feature black ans white coffee with
different varieties that attracts customer.M
3. Maintenance:
- The proper maintenance is required for any project.
- The preparation of food should be done with 10-15 minutes after
the order given by the customer.
- The coffee shop should be neat & clean.
4. Service:
- The better services should be given to the customer.
- The coffee shop should provide good menu.
- The menu should serve breakfast, lunch, snacks and special
- The behaviour towards the customer is the main component for
the success of coffee shop project.
5. Advertising:
- Nowdays the advertiisng plays an important role for the success
of any project or business.
- Advertising can be done through messages, social media, paper
advertising etc.
6. Relationship:
- Building good and strong relationship with the customers is
essential for achieving success.
- By offering your space for meetings helps you to achieve a good
reputation and customers becomes loyal quickly.
7. Innovation:
- Customers get tired easily so innovation in the food is very
- Keep up to date with food, health and always provide better
quailty food.
8. Price:
- Price is what customer pay for the services provided by your
- The price should always be affordable which can be easily
acceptable by the customers.
- The affordable price will helps in increasing customers which
will be result into success of the coffee shop.
- In the above, project description.
- The specific constraints for coffee shop project.
- The factors which are helpful for the success of coffee shop
are explained above in detail.