
In: Computer Science

IN JAVA create a program that has 8 players and ranks them randomly and contains 3...

IN JAVA create a program that has 8 players and ranks them randomly and contains 3 rounds. For each round the highest ranked player plays the lowest ranked one i.e., in quarter-final round, player ranked 1 plays player ranked 8, player ranked 2 plays player ranked 7 and so on. Report the winner of each match, simulating using random values of your choice USING JAVA COLLECTIONS IS NOT ALLOWED


Expert Solution

The detailed JAVA program is as given. I have randomly given the names of the players. You can change the name and ranking as per your choice.


import java.util.Random;

public class Tournament {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // TODO Auto-generated method stub
       String[] players = new String[]{"Abc","Bcd","Cde","Def","Efg","Fgh","Ghi","Hij"}; //String array to hold the name of the players
       int ranking[] = new int[] {2,3,1,5,6,7,8,4}; // Integer Array to hold the ranking of the player. You can change the ranking according to your choice
       //Displaying the Players as is given in the array
       System.out.println("Ranking of the players are as follows :");
       for(int i =0;i<8;i++)
           System.out.println(players[i]+" is ranked "+ ranking[i]);
       //Sorting the ranking array and players array as per ranking using selection sort
       for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
// Find the minimum element in unsorted array
int min_idx = i;
for (int j = i+1; j < 8; j++)
if (ranking[j] < ranking[min_idx])
min_idx = j;
// Swap the found minimum element with the first
// element
int temp = ranking[min_idx];
ranking[min_idx] = ranking[i];
ranking[i] = temp;
String temp1=players[min_idx];
players[min_idx] = players[i];
players[i] = temp1;
       System.out.println("Ranking in sorted order :");
       for(int i =0;i<8;i++)
           System.out.println(players[i]+" is ranked "+ ranking[i]);
       //Code for Quarter-Final
       String qtrfinal[][]=new String[4][2]; // Array to hold the competitors of the Quarter - Final
       for(int i=0,j=7;i<4 ;i++,j--)
       //Displaying the order of matches
       System.out.println("Order of Matches(Quarter Final) :");
       for(int i=0,j=7;i<4 ;i++,j--)
       System.out.println("["+(i+1)+"] "+qtrfinal[i][0]+" Vs ["+(j+1)+"]"+qtrfinal[i][1]);
       Random ran = new Random(); //Random fuction to generate random number for winner
       System.out.println("Result of Matches(Quarter Final) :");
       int semi[] = new int[4];// array to hold the index of winners in quarter final
       for(int i=0,j=7;i<4 ;i++,j--)
           System.out.println("["+(i+1)+"] "+qtrfinal[i][0]+" Vs ["+(j+1)+"]"+qtrfinal[i][1]);
           int nxt = ran.nextInt(2); //Finding the winner
           int winindex = findfunction(players,qtrfinal[i][nxt]); //Calling the find function to get the index of the winner in ranking array.
           System.out.println("["+(ranking[winindex])+"] "+qtrfinal[i][nxt]+" wins");
           semi[i]=winindex;// Assigning the index of the winner qualified for semifinal
   /*Code for semi final Starts here*/
       String semifinal[][]=new String[2][2];// Array to hold the names of semifinalists
   //Sorting the array using selection sort for players qualified in semi final
       for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
// Find the minimum element in unsorted array
int min_idx = i;
for (int j = i+1; j < 4; j++)
if (semi[j] < semi[min_idx])
min_idx = j;
// Swap the found minimum element with the first
// element
int temp = semi[min_idx];
semi[min_idx] = semi[i];
semi[i] = temp;
       for(int i=0,j=3;i<2 ;i++,j--)
       System.out.println("Order of Matches(Semi Final) : ");
       for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
       int findex = findfunction(players,semifinal[i][0]);
       int secindex = findfunction(players,semifinal[i][1]);
       System.out.println("["+(ranking[findex])+"] "+semifinal[i][0]+" Vs "+(ranking[secindex])+"] "+semifinal[i][1]);
       System.out.println("Result of Matches(Semi Final) :");
       int final1[] = new int[2];// Array to hold the players qualified for final
       for(int i=0;i<2;i++)
       int findex = findfunction(players,semifinal[i][0]);
       int secindex = findfunction(players,semifinal[i][1]);
       System.out.println("["+(ranking[findex])+"] "+semifinal[i][0]+" Vs "+(ranking[secindex])+"] "+semifinal[i][1]);
       int nxt = ran.nextInt(2); // Finding the winners in Semi final
       int winindex = findfunction(players,semifinal[i][nxt]);
       System.out.println("["+(ranking[winindex])+"] "+semifinal[i][nxt]+" wins");
       final1 [i]=winindex;
       /*Coding for findign final starts Here*/
       String fnl[][]=new String[1][2]; //Array to hold the playeres
           System.out.println("Order of Matches(Final) : ");
       int idx1 = findfunction(players,fnl[0][0]);
           int idex2 = findfunction(players,fnl[0][1]);
           System.out.println("["+(ranking[idx1])+"] "+fnl[0][0]+" Vs "+(ranking[idex2])+"] "+fnl[0][1]);
           System.out.println("Result of Final : ");
           idx1 = findfunction(players,fnl[0][0]);
           idex2 = findfunction(players,fnl[0][1]);
               System.out.println("["+(ranking[idx1])+"] "+fnl[0][0]+" Vs "+(ranking[idex2])+"] "+fnl[0][1]);
           int nxt = ran.nextInt(2);
           int temp1 =0 ;
           if(nxt == 0)
               temp1 = 1;
           int winindex = findfunction(players,fnl[0][nxt]);
           System.out.println("["+(ranking[winindex])+"] "+fnl[0][nxt]+" wins the tournament");
           int idex = findfunction(players,fnl[0][temp1]);
           System.out.println("["+(ranking[idex])+"] "+fnl[0][temp1]+" is Runner-UP");
   //Function to find the ranking of a given player. It takes the players array and player name as input and provides the
   // index of the ranking array for that perticular player.
   public static int findfunction (String []a, String player)
       int i=0;


The output of the program is as given below for a particular run. For every run the Output will change i.e. it may not be the same.

Ranking of the players are as follows :
Abc is ranked 2
Bcd is ranked 3
Cde is ranked 1
Def is ranked 5
Efg is ranked 6
Fgh is ranked 7
Ghi is ranked 8
Hij is ranked 4
Ranking in sorted order :
Cde is ranked 1
Abc is ranked 2
Bcd is ranked 3
Hij is ranked 4
Def is ranked 5
Efg is ranked 6
Fgh is ranked 7
Ghi is ranked 8
Order of Matches(Quarter Final) :
[1] Cde Vs [8]Ghi
[2] Abc Vs [7]Fgh
[3] Bcd Vs [6]Efg
[4] Hij Vs [5]Def
Result of Matches(Quarter Final) :
[1] Cde Vs [8]Ghi
[8] Ghi wins
[2] Abc Vs [7]Fgh
[2] Abc wins
[3] Bcd Vs [6]Efg
[3] Bcd wins
[4] Hij Vs [5]Def
[4] Hij wins
Order of Matches(Semi Final) :
[2] Abc Vs 8] Ghi
[3] Bcd Vs 4] Hij
Result of Matches(Semi Final) :
[2] Abc Vs 8] Ghi
[8] Ghi wins
[3] Bcd Vs 4] Hij
[3] Bcd wins
Order of Matches(Final) :
[8] Ghi Vs 3] Bcd
Result of Final :
[8] Ghi Vs 3] Bcd
[3] Bcd wins the tournament
[8] Ghi is Runner-UP

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