
In: Computer Science

Write the logical expression for the control signal RF_Write assuming the instruction set consists only of...

  1. Write the logical expression for the control signal RF_Write assuming the instruction set consists only of the instructions below. The answer should be similar to "B_Select = T3 ∙ (Load + Store + AddImm + …) + …"
  • Add R3,R4,R5
  • Load R5,X(R7)
  • Store R6,X(R8)
  • Unconditional Branch
  • Conditional Branch (Branch_if_[R5]=[R6] Loop)
  • Subroutine Call (Call_Register R9)


Expert Solution


Step 1

Logical expression for the Control Signal:

  • Add R3, R4, R5
  1. Memory address <----[PC], Read memory,
    IR <---- Memory data,
    PC <-- [PC] + 4
  2. Decode instruction,
    RA <---- [R4], RB <---- [R5]
  3. RZ <---- [RA] + [RB]
  4. RY <-- [RZ]
  5. R3 <---- [RY]
  • Load R5, X(R7)

1. Memory address <---- [PC],
Read memory,
IR <---- Memory data,
PC <-- [PC] + 4

2. Decode instruction, RA <-- [R7]

3. RZ <-- [RA] + Immediate value X

4. Memory address <-- [RZ],
Read memory,
RY <---- Memory data

5. R5 <-- [RY]

Step 2

  • Store R6, X(R8)

1. Memory address <-- [PC],
Read memory,
IR <---- Memory data,
PC <---- [PC] + 4

2. Decode instruction,
RA <-- [R8], RB <-- [R6]

3. RZ <-- [RA] + Immediate value X, RM <-- [RB]

4. Memory address <-- [RZ], Memory data <-- [RM],
Write memory

5. No action

  • Unconditional Branch
  1. Memory address <-- [PC], Read memory,
    IR <---- Memory data,
    PC <-- [PC] + 4
  2. Decode instruction
  3. PC <-- [PC] + Branch offset
  4. No action
  5. No action
  • Conditional branch: Branch_if_[R5]=[R6] LOOP
  1. Memory address <-- [PC],
    Read memory,
    IR <---- Memory data,
    PC <-- [PC] + 4
  2. Decode instruction, RA <-- [R5], RB <-- [R6]
  3. Compare [RA] to [RB],
    If [RA] = [RB], then PC <-- [PC] + Branch offset
  4. No action
  5. No action
  • Subroutine call with indirection: Call_register R9
  1. Memory address <-- [PC],
    Read memory, IR <--- Memory data,
    PC <-- [PC] + 4
  2. Decode instruction, RA <-- [R9]
  3. PC-Temp <-- [PC],
    PC <-- [RA]
  4. RY <---- [PC-Temp]
  5. Register LINK <-- [RY]

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