
In: Psychology

1. Come up with 3 topics about which you might be interested in writing a research...

1. Come up with 3 topics about which you might be interested in writing a research paper.

a. These topics can be very general: carnivals, Nicola Tesla, cartoons, special education, etc. Try to pick three subjects that interest you, about which you might actually enjoy learning more.

b. You don't necessarily need to know anything about those subjects yet, so it's fine if you pick subjects that are new to you.

2. For each topic, generate a question (or a few questions) you would like to ask.

a. The answer to this question, which you will only fully discover during your research, should eventually help you form your thesis statement.

b. I suggest generating questions by going online and getting a general sense of what information is available about your subject--especially if it’s a new subject for you!

3. Find one source that you feel is trustworthy and would be useful for researching each topic. For each source, write a paragraph about how this source would be useful in answering the question(s) you generated in Step 2. Be sure to include whether the source is popular or academic and whether it’s primary or secondary--and address why you chose the type of source you did!


Expert Solution

The three topic that I am going to discuss with all the reseach, source, questions and answers etc are 1. Diet 2. Exercise 3. Meditation to release stress

1. Diet


The aim of the study is to discuss the benefits of having a proper balanced diet plan for an average adult. Around 20 people contributed to the study. They were given a questionnaire where their health condition was first assessed. The questions had important information about thier height and weight, the ideal weight they should be having, any rissues like diabetes,obesity,hypertension,cholesterol etc. where diet could help to alleviate the same. They were given a proper diet plan and they were again assessed after 3 months.


As per the diet plan,the subjects were asked to get up early in the morning and drink atleast 600 ml of lukewarm water on an empty stomach. Then they were allowed to go to the washroom, brush their teeth and abstain from food for 45 minutes. This was supposed to clean the stomach and intestines and pass excess salt and sugar in urine. Next they were asked to eat a healthy breakfast between 7 to 9 am with a cup of fresh fruits with a couple of egg whites and a cup of skimmed milk. They were asked not to skip breakfast and eat regular small meals to keep their metabolic rate high. Mid day around 11 am, they were supposed to have a handful of healthy nuts like 5-6 almonds,2 walnuts and drink loads of water to flush the toxins out. Lunch was supposed to have a small cup of brown rice or 2 slices of brown bread with couple of pieces of lean meat like fish,chicken etc or soyabean(in case of vegetarian participants) along with boiled veg and salad. Lunch was supposed to be done by 1 to 2 pm. Next at around 5 pm, the participants were allowed a cup of tea or coffe as per their choice and two whole wheat biscuits. Dinner was supposed to be done early before 7 pm and it was supposed to be soup, salad and lean meat(if possible grilled) or any vegetarian protein like tofu or fat free cheese. This diet plan was extremely balanced and had the correct necessary amount of low carbs, low fat and good amount of protein and other vitamins with loads of water.


After 3 months, the subjects were again assessed after following the diet plan. They should improved BMI, reduced bad cholesterol, increased good cholesterol, reduced hypertension and reduced high sugar/diabetes. The subjects were feelin health, happy and confident in life.

Source is excessive reading on Health Magazines, Indian Ayurveda, Traditional diet methods etc. One source that is useful would be diet recomendations by Indian Ayurveda.

Questions on this may arise like 1) Can this diet be taken by poor people. Answer. Absolutely. This diet doesn't have any recommendation of high end expensive supplements and gets the nutrition from natural sources.

Question 2. Is the diet applicable to all. Answer . Yes. This diet will be helpful to all who follow it diligently.

2nd Topic: Exercise.


The purpose of this study is to show the good effects of a proper workout routine in a persons's life and improving his/her health conditions, BMI, confidence, energy levels etc.


We analyzed 20 participants who were given a proper exercise plan. Their health conditions, that is, both physical and mental were assessed before and after following the exercise routine for 3 months. Sugar,cholesterol, bone and muscle mass, energy levels, sleep quality etc were noted down before the exercise routine.

The subjects were asked to go for a very easy routine that anyone can do at home without equipment with just body weight. The subjects were asked to go for a very basic training including cadio for heart and lung health, strength training for bones and muscles and few yogic postures to increase flexibility. Cardio included walking or jogging which were supposed to be done 5 days a week, strength training like push ups squats and pull ups, sit ups which was supposed to be done every other day and yoga to be done daily.


After 3 months, the subjects showed increased muscle gains, improved cardiovascular capacity, increased health conditions like reduction in high sugar and cholesterol levels, increased bone mass, good sleep, less stress and more confidence and energy to carry out work in life.

Reliable Source is - Traditional homeworkout and Yoga from traditional Indian cultures. The Indians maintain a legacy of such health cultures for decades and the research is based after reading and watching such topics online. Yoga by Swami Sivananda is one such reliable source for health and Yoga and fitness by Indian Guru Ramdev is another source.

Some questiions are:

1. Can this schedule be done by both men and women. Answer:Absolutely. 2. Is it as good as going to any gym? Answer: Yes, it is better.

3rd Topic: Meditation to release stress:


The need for this study was to reveal the wonderful efffects of meditation to release stress and improve health.


30 participants were taken into this study.. They were given a questionnaire that had assessments on their stress levels, cortisol and sleep levels, blood pressure,pulse etc. They were taught meditation techniques like sitting in a straight posture and chanting a mantra(sound in Hinduism and Buddhism) and proper breathing techniques will meditating.


Just after 1 month, the participants showed improvements in health conditions, their stress levels declined, they could sleep better, their blood pressure and pulse showed significant improvements, their cortisol levels reduced and they felt happy.

The source for this is - 1. Meditation by Ramdev, 2. Meditation by Sadhguru

Questions: 1. Can meditation fight all forms of stress? Answer. Yes. 2. Can meditation improve concentration? Answer - Yes it can do it wonderfully.

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