
In: Nursing

interview someone about their end of life wishes. pick a family, friend or colleague and ask...

interview someone about their end of life wishes. pick a family, friend or colleague and ask them to help you complete your work for this class by discussing their end of life wishes. Take a health care proxy form and discuss the different parts with the person. Speak about the purpose of having a health care proxy. Explain the difference between a health care proxy and a living will. Explain the difference between a DNR and a DNI. Talk to the person about what their wishes might be for treatment should they be unable to speak for themselves. Write up a summary of what happened


Expert Solution

1.a INTERVIEW-An interview with Mrs X is 80 years old suffering from chronic kidney disease about his end of life wishes.

- Were you disappointed that Grandma died all alone in the hospital,So what would you like to be different for you when you reach that time?

Yes,ofcourse i was pretty disappointed with myself for not being able to attend her at the last time.So i hope that doesnt happen to me as well.I feel bad every time i have to ask for more help.There is a constant expectation with my family and friends that they have to help just stinks knowing how much you have to rely on others to get things done.But i have no other choice,and definitely like to have a spiritual advisor to overcome my grief.

b, Health care proxy formis a legal document which gives the patient the right to authorize another person to make relevant decisions on health when the patient himself becomes incapable of making right decisions by himself .It helps to make decisions and it differs from state to state.Let us see the various parts of a health care proxy form.It includes

  • The Name and Addressof the agent and alternate agent
  • It should indicate duration,otherwise it is not valid
  • Special instruction in which the patient can broaden or limit the treatments he want to recieve
  • Primary individuals Name,Date and Signature.
  • Instructions on whether the patient is willing for organ donation.
  • Two adult witness to sign the document and they must be above 18 years or older to state that they have witnessed the agreement.
  • A tailor who could tailor the documents to the needs of the primary individual
  • After signing the copies of the form ,it must be given to health care providers.

c A health care proxy makes sure that that the health care providers follow the patients wishes and also helps in clarifying the beliefs and act as an advocate in expressing patients wishes.They can also talk on behalf of the patient and the health care team has to follow their decisions just like that of the paient himself.They decide how to make the patients decisions work if the condition of the patient changes.

d Living will is an advance directive which enables the patient to put their wishes in writing,to be followed if the patient is too sick to consult a doctor.It helps the patient to make end-of-life decisions early without communicating with the doctor.They are written declarations of the patients wishes and declarations.

Whereas health care proxy is another form of directive enabling the patient to authorize another person to make health decisions by themselves.It do not directly declare your wishes or decisions but instead appoints another person to volunteer for the patient.

e DNR-Do not Resuscitate,means that the patient is not willing for CPR to be performedin the event of a life-threatening health crisis.

DIR-Do not Intubate,means that the patient is not willing for a breathing tube to be placed,but the health care providers are allowed to give chest compressions and cardiac drugs.Both of them are legal orders

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